Page 34 of Out for a Bite

“No expectations,” he said. “None. You have all the autonomy, and I swear, I will abide by your word.”

Again, there was a ring of truth to the tone that she could not ignore. She was warming up to him, and that was obvious … the promise she had felt at the touch of his skin was now being fulfilled by his heart.

If I fall, he’ll catch me.

The waiter arrived, putting their desserts on the table. Augusta was glad to have the moment broken. There was just too much intensity between her and Ray, and she was still figuring it out, feeling her way along. Ray attacked his dessert as if he felt the exact same way.

When they finished, he gave her that wide-eyed, intense expression that made her feel like he was eating her alive without even touching her. She blushed bright red.

“It’s so cute when you do that,” he whispered. Augusta smiled, looking away.

“Would you like to go for a walk?” he asked. “After all, it is a lovely evening.”

She nodded, reaching for his hand. She’d like that very much.



They walked slowly through the streets to the nearby waterfront. Along the way, Augusta pointed things out in shop windows, talking enthusiastically about clothes, furniture, and architecture. He found her passion for buildings fascinating … he’d lived in fancy places his whole life, but he’d never stopped to wonder how they were designed or built.

Her golden hair caught the light and her big blue eyes flickered as she took in the world around her. He was head over heels. She was the one.

I’ve been telling you she was our mate for days you fool. Now make her ours forever.

The trouble was nothing good could ever happen to him. The world had educated him on that fact. Anytime he had hoped for more, any opportunity to change his life for the better, it had ended up being an exercise of pain. It was like he lived in a small cage with sharp-edged bars, and he’d learned a long time ago that he shouldn’t attempt to break free.

His heart hurt, seeing her innocent, open expression and the obvious joy she took in life. Even under their current circumstances, she was eager to talk and explore, putting aside the danger so she could enjoy the moment.

Do I really want to risk destroying that?

He was headed for a long, slow ride down the drain. He’d been circling the void since his parents died. The only way to survive had always been to be more violent, more relentless, and thus be untouchable by other mob members.

And feared by the rival mob. That gives me respect from every side.

Augusta was so bright and full of life. He couldn’t bring her into his dark underworld and destroy everything that made her beautiful. Even though his heart cried out in protest, his head knew the right thing to do.

They reached the waterfront and strolled along the edge of a dock where bright sparkling lights marked boats moving across the harbor. Again, Ray was enchanted by her expression and her love of life.

The waves slapped lightly against the wooden supports. The sound was rhythmic and steady, calming him. A combination of the good food, Augusta’s attention, and the peaceful atmosphere lulled him into a strangely suggestive state. Ray had never been so comfortable or relaxed.

The dark emotions welling inside him had a life of their own. It was almost as if Augusta opening up to him had forced open a vault inside him, and now the horrible memories were trying to claw their way out.

He stopped suddenly, tugging on Augusta’s hand. She turned to him, her eyes full of concern.

“Ray, are you okay? You look like someone just died.”

Someone did. It was me.

He sighed. “I want to tell you … I’ve had my own troubles with trust and closeness. My life hasn’t exactly been great.”

Augusta stepped closer to him, squeezing his hand.

“Tell me,” she said softly. Concern and warmth emanated from her and enveloped him like she could embrace him without even touching him.

You’re safe. You really are.

Ray gulped, looking away from Augusta’s face and into the dark night. He needed her hand on his, but he couldn’t look into her eyes while he spoke. It was just too much.