Page 53 of Out for a Bite

He got up slowly, stalking a rough circle around the bear. He had no doubt that it was Malone that had thrown him, and the bastard was strong, incredibly so. Of all shifters, he had been hoping he wouldn’t run into a bear.

He couldn’t see Little Stevie either. He had no idea what the little bastard had shifted into. If they were both going to come at him, he needed to be on his toes.

I don’t care what happens to me as long as Augusta is safe. I’ll sacrifice myself if I have to.

He paced in the opposite direction, and the bear dropped to all fours. It roared at him, scratching the ground with its incredibly long claws. Behind it, deep in the wrecked cavity of the van, he could see Augusta sitting up with a hand to her head. She was okay, and it looked like Malone and Stevie hadn’t noticed.

Ray stalked backward, trying to draw the bear away from the van. He was so absorbed watching the bear that he wasn’t paying any attention to the path behind him.

Something jumped on him, a sudden weight with snapping, furious jaws. It snarled and growled, a horrifying sound when combined with the snapping of its teeth. Ray dropped to the ground and rolled to get the thing off him, shaking himself as he leaped to his feet.

As he got up, he saw the bear closing in. Flanking him to the other side was a large but thin dog. It was not a wolf. The head was too blunt and the muzzle flat. It had an incredibly smooth, short coat.

A mutt built for killing. Little Stevie, you really are a mad dog.

Now Ray was up against a giant black bear and a hunting mastiff. He knew how difficult those dogs were to kill … they had been bred for hunting lions.

Not so different from panthers, really. He’s going to beat the shit out of me if I make one wrong move.

He had to stay away from those wide, powerful jaws. Once they locked on, the dog literally couldn’t let go. It was just one of the reasons why they were so deadly.

The bear roared in fury, charging. Malone’s patience had finally run out. Ray darted to the side, coming under the big paws to slash at the bear’s flank.

His claws dug deep and opened wide furrows in the bear’s skin that poured blood. The creature staggered away from him, howling in pain. It wasn’t a lethal wound, but it would certainly slow him down.

Before he could even turn around, he was hit from the side. He felt the jaws of the dog going for the loose skin around his throat and slashed out with both paws, roaring as he sprang away. Stevie kept coming, barking, and snapping as he tried to grab Ray.

He kept backing away, slashing at the mutt until he literally ran into the bear. He felt Malone gather himself, and at the last moment, he dropped to the ground. Malone whipped out a huge paw, intending to send Ray flying. Instead, he hit Stevie, sending the dog into the trunk of a nearby tree. He hit his head with a hardthunkand fell to the ground.

The bear roared in fury and came at Ray again. Ray darted back, scratching with his claws enough to annoy the bear but not seriously hurt him. They danced like this until Ray began to tire, his muscles aching as he slipped away from the bear’s claws.

His plan was working, though. Malone’s swipes were becoming wilder, his every movement slower than the last. Finally, with one last burst of strength, Ray ducked between the bear’s legs, leaped onto his back, and dug his claws into his throat.

Malone let out a high-pitched wail, thrashing as he tried to throw Ray off. Ray struggled, digging his claws in even deeper. Inch by inch, he slowly extended his claws into the bear’s throat, fighting him down to the ground until he had a good grip.

With a roar of triumph, Ray ripped his claws in opposite directions, tearing open Malone’s throat. He stood on the bear’s back, panting as the body beneath him fell silent in a huge pool of blood.

He trotted back to the van, panting with exertion. He could see Augusta sitting in the back, and his heart soared.

Almost there, baby. It’s almost over.

Then he was hit from behind. He couldn’t stay up under the terrible weight and crashed to the ground. When he heard the barking and growling, he realized Stevie had been knocked out, not killed.

Ray struggled, but he was pinned to the ground. He tried to roll underneath the dog, but he was immobilized by the massive paws. He managed to slither to the side and twist, trying to sink his fangs into Stevie’s flank. The dog jumped away, and as he darted back in, Ray swiped with his claws and cut the dog across the nose.

Stevie lowered onto his belly, growling. His lips trembled above his teeth, and Ray knew this was the final charge. The dog launched at him, hurling itself through the air with all its strength. Ray rose on his back legs to meet it, and they tangled in the air, crashing to the ground together.

Ray couldn’t gain purchase on the dog’s slick coat, and there was no loose skin to grab. For a few seconds, they fought each other desperately, snapping at each other’s faces and making vicious slashes with their claws.

Then, Stevie’s face flashed toward him, quicker than Ray could follow. He felt the dog’s jaws close around his throat, and with a dread certainty, Ray knew it was over. He had lost.

Stevie let out a growl of triumph as his teeth dug into Ray’s throat. He was closing his jaws slowly, drawing out the torture. The second those jaws snapped shut, the dog would shake its head and violently break Ray’s neck.

He looked at the van, hoping to see Augusta one last time.

What the fuck?

She wasn’t there. Ray struggled valiantly against Stevie, but it was hopeless. The air was being squeezed out of him, and the fangs were piercing his throat. Ray had seconds to live.