Page 56 of Out for a Bite

He paused to ash his cigar, then leaned back to speak softly to Ray.

“You excelled, as usual. I’ve never seen such brutality. I do believe your lady friend here brought out the best in you.”

Ray was clearly floundering, not knowing what to say. The Don looked up and caught Augusta’s eye.

“And you, my dear, blew off Little Stevie’s head, didn’t you? Have you ever fired a gun before?”

“Uh … no, sir.”

“Well done,” he said, nodding. He sat back and took a long pull on the cigar.

“You two work well together. There were multiple instances throughout this ordeal when either one of you could have betrayed the family … or each other. But you didn’t.”

He stared at Augusta with that unnerving gaze a while longer.

“You’ve proven your loyalty, Miss Sinclair. Furthermore, you’ve helped the family and shed blood for the cause. That means that the family now takes care of you as a matter of course.”

“What?” Augusta asked completely lost. The Don chuckled.

“Your student loans, my dear. As well as any other debts you may have. Gone, wiped, taken care of. Is there anything else you need? Not just financial, but legal, or something only business connections can provide. We have people all over the city.”

“No, sir. Thank you, sir,” she answered, her voice whispery with shock. The Don laughed at her reaction.

“It is always a good day if I can make a pretty lady smile. I can see I’ve made you very happy. I want you to know that if you ever need anything, anything at all, the family will provide for you.”

Augusta felt Ray take her hand, and they looked at each other. He smiled, nodding.

It seems this is going very well.

“You have my blessing, you two,” the Don said warmly. “I’d like you to know I’ll set up the most extravagant wedding as soon as you are ready. In the meantime, Ray, my old friend, you are to step down from your immediate duties to spend time with your fiancée.”

“Thank you,” Ray said, surprised. “That’s incredibly generous of you, sir.”

The Don took another hard drag of his cigar, sending a plume of smoke up to the ceiling. He winked at them both, a bright twinkle in his eye.

“You know what they say, don’t you? Nothing more important than family, eh? That means the two of you should get to work on that. As quickly as you’re able.”

Augusta blushed furiously, and Ray laughed softly, hiding his face under his hand. It was so much more embarrassing that she and Ray intended to do exactly that, and the sooner, the better.



She couldn’t believe they had been given a blessing. Ray wouldn’t stop smiling the entire time they walked to the car. Augusta held his hand, smirking at him, over the moon herself. She didn’t expect it to go as well as it had. After everything they had gone through, this was the answer they hoped for –being together.

Ray settled her in the passenger seat and then climbed in on his side, giving her a soft smile. “Well, your place or mine?”

Augusta looked at him, not ready to part with him yet. “Your place. You can cook for me again.”

“Do you really want me to?” he asked. “I know it’s been a long week for you.”

Augusta nodded her head. “Of course, I want you to cook.”

His smile lit up his face. “You got it.” The smile never left his face all the way to his place. She didn’t want to say she was feeling a little randy, but she hoped that after everything, they could finally just take a breath and settle.

Ray got out of the car and helped her out, shutting the door behind her. She smiled, wondering if she could get used to having a guy around. She found herself liking it.

They walked into the building, and Ray held her hand tightly. They slipped into the elevator, pushing the button for his floor. The doors shut, and she looked at him.