Page 59 of Out for a Bite

He and his panther had become closer. Once Ray figured out he hadn’t been alone all his life, he’d been guided and protected by his panther, they finally became closer over the last nine months as well. Of course Augusta was the one who had pushed him to see being a shifter was a blessing and not a curse. Her love for that part of him pushed Ray to let his panther become his partner, not another enemy to fight. His panther is so excited about this baby, Ray has learned to accept happiness and trust.

His phone rang early, though, and he’d had no choice but to get up and answer it. Not long after their last meeting, the Don had elevated him to Capo, and he had to be on call for most jobs. It meant that he was no longer in so much danger, working the streets, but it also meant he had much more to do in networking and organizing jobs.

Behind him, he heard a clatter of dishes and swung around so fast that he almost spilled his coffee. Augusta at the kitchen counter, he hurried to her.

“Sweetie, what are you doing up? All you had to do was call out, and I would have gotten you anything you needed.”

“It’s okay,” she said softly. “I can get my own glass of water. I needed to get up and walk.”

She braced her hands on her lower back and waddle painfully across the living room. She needed to stretch after a few hours of lying down, but it didn’t make it any easier for him to watch. He just wished he could help her somehow.

In spite of her difficulties, she was incredibly beautiful. Her long blonde hair drifted around her face like spun gold, and her eyes sparkled with the depths of sapphires on the seabed. Her skin was pale but clear, soft, and glowing.

When she stopped and rubbed her belly, he hurried over to her, putting his coffee down hastily so he could put both hands on her belly.

“How’s my baby today?” he whispered to her tummy.

“I’m just fine, thanks,” Augusta giggled. He looked up at her and smiled.

“It’s good to hear you’re okay.”

“I was exaggerating a little.”

“Do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked, concerned. He was always ready to summon a doctor at even the slightest notice. He wasn’t going to risk anything happening to the love of his life or their unborn child.

He had already transformed his study into a nursery with a brand-new crib, toys, diapers, baby wipes … damn, just about everything in the store that could possibly be useful for fatherhood. He couldn’t wait to hold his child in his arms and was excited to talk with his kid in the long hours while he let his mate sleep.

She would need time to recover. The pregnancy was terribly hard on her. Once the baby was born, he could finally carry some of the responsibility.

He also knew that the baby was going to be a shifter, and shifter babies were far more alert than human babies. He had every confidence that his newborn cub would drink in his every word with wide, deep eyes and absorb his meaning, even if the child was too young to understand exactly what he said.

“I really wish I could give you two some time alone together,” Augusta chuckled. “But unfortunately, we are still attached.”

“I’m sorry.” Ray laughed. “It was a father-son talk.”

“Could be a daughter,” Augusta said. They had opted not to find out the big news and be surprised on the day. Ray would be just as happy either way.

“Do you want to sit down?” he asked. Augusta would be feeling tired already, and she nodded, her face turning down with regret.

“I wish I could go for a nice walk in the park,” she said. “But I’d never make it across the street. I’m tired just from walking around the apartment.”

Ray nodded, escorting her to the couch.

“I know. It won’t be long now, though.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Ray put on one of Augusta’s favorite TV shows and got her a piece of dry toast and a cup of tea. He sat on the floor and gently rubbed her feet, keeping them propped up on the footstool.

“You’re too good to me,” she muttered.

“Define ‘too good.’” He laughed.

Augusta leaned back, sighing in pleasure. Within a few minutes, she had fallen asleep again, and Ray was glad. She should get as much rest as possible.

Just when he was thinking about taking a nap himself, the phone began to buzz. He got up wearily, reaching for it and steeling himself for the next task.

I’ll be running on four hours of sleep again. Better get used to it, I guess.