The bar was busy, with every table taken by a group of friends or a couple. There were even a few families without children. It was a whole mix of people, but even though the resort was hopping, Portia was running some singles’ activities for her guests.

As far as niches went, it was an interesting one.

Ruby and Ethan extended their stay at the resort while they waited for either Alice Gatlin or Jazmin Lovelace to show up at the resort. Obviously, they were sharing a room now. They hadn’t actually talked about it. It had just sort of happened one afternoon. Una had intercepted them in the lobby with two new room keys.

“Portia has moved you to one of the suites. Your effects have already been moved. I hope you enjoy your stay at Hellscape Holiday Resort.”

Just like that, they were basically living together. Sure, it was at her aunt’s hotel and not out there in the real world, but it was stillfun.

Did Ruby totally pretend that this was her life now? Yup. How could she not? Ethan was an absolute stud, but he was also the sweetest man she had ever met. It was easy to fall deeper and deeper for the wolf shifter alarmingly fast.

As they waited for the witches, they did a few things around the island at Portia’s bequest. Apparently, they had to test new date ideas for couples. Ruby and Ethan saw right through it. The succubus wasn’t exactly subtle, but Ruby couldn’t be too mad about it. Portia was trying so hard to make her feel better, and for Portia, that was snuggling up to a cute man and finding love.

Ruby didn’t really know why Portia believed in the power of love with such conviction and confidence. She couldn’t do it. Even though Ethan was the perfect man, and she would’ve given anything to start a life with him, she didn’t know how far she could take it.

Probably as far as the plane ride from California to wherever her next mark would be.

At least, all of this was going to be over soon enough. Then, no matter what she felt for Ethan, she would need to let the man go.

One fine morning, Portia warned Ruby and Ethan that Jazmin Lovelace, the witch who cursed the Adair pack, had arrived at the resort. After a quick shower … where things got soapy … Ethan and Ruby walked into Lou’s Place. Wordlessly, Ruby chose to scan the left while Ethan did the right.

Thanks to the horrors of social media, Ruby knew exactly what Jazmin looked like. A strange shiver rippled up her spine when she caught sight of her. Ruby pushed away the thought. It was probably just excitement and not anything magical.

“There she is!” Ruby pointed to a tall and willowy blonde woman. Her face was a little angular, and her nose was a little too long and pointy, but she was still a good-looking woman. Ruby thought she looked like a blonde witch, down to the long nails. No doubt, she used those to mix spells. Everything about the woman screamedmagic.

“She’s a bit more powerful than I thought she would be,” Ruby whispered, smelling Jazmin’s power on the air.

Ethan shook his head. “Are you telling me that there are different levels of power in witches?”

Ruby pulled a face. “Yeah, sorry. I thought you knew, or I assumed you knew.”

“It’s fine.” He waved her off. “Now that we know she’s a powerful witch, how can we approach her?”

“I’m not entirely sure. I think I should try on my own once, without you.”

Ethan considered this. “But that might seem like I’m sending a woman to fight my battles for me.”

“And? Maybe she’ll respect that.”

“Do you think?” he argued. “Because I thought she might feel like I’m trying to butter her up with my own lady friend.”

“Lady friend?” Ruby snorted. “Okay, we are gonna talk aboutthatlater. But for now, I think you might have a point. Perhaps you should try first. Alone.”

Ethan’s shoulders tensed. “I had a feeling it was going to come to that. Are you sure you wanna send me in there alone?” he laughed, but it was clear he was uncomfortable. “I was thinking more together. As a team.”

“I know that in every fight, you would be in your wolf shape with an adversary you know. This is all new. All strange. I get it. Just don’t call her crazy, and make sure you blame everything on Gus. Oh, and don’t talk about her familiar.”

“Got it. Wait, why?”

“Story for another time,” she said. “Now, go. Go see if she is willing to talk.”

Ethan kissed her softly for luck and slowly but purposefully made his way to Jazmin. The witch barely looked up from the drink menu when Ethan introduced himself.

“Ethan Adair?” she growled like an angry cat.

“Yes, I know you …”

“You’re the alpha of the Adair pack.” She spoke it like it was an accusation, not a title.