She tried not to run down the aisle, with Portia leading her at a slower pace, but when Ruby finally reached the end of the aisle, she took Ethan’s hand in hers to give it a squeeze.

“You look amazing,” he said, his eyes wide and full of flames.

The silk dress fit her like a second skin, the vibrant red color making her glow like a powerful blaze. She had never felt so free, so alive.

“Let’s do this,” she whispered.

Ethan smiled at her before they faced Lou, the bartender, who was presiding over the exchange of vows.

“Love is a powerful thing,” Lou began. “It brings people together in the best of ways. It’s a powerful force. Probably more powerful than anything else. It’s so often the guiding force of great moments. Today is a great moment. Today is the day when Ethan and Ruby are joining their lives. Together as one, they will build a life, they will have good times and bad times, but as long as they remember the power of their love, they can get through anything.

“Do you have the rings?” Lou motioned Portia and Gus forward.

Ethan took the ring from Gus before turning toward Ruby. He took her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I love you, Ruby. You complete me in a way I didn’t even know was possible. You make my life whole with your fiery passion and zest for life. I am always going to provide for you, Little Red. Whatever you need. Food, safety, love. I’m your guy till I die.” He slid the ring onto her finger.

Twirling Ethan’s ring in her palm, Ruby said, “I never actually thought this day would be possible. Not that I would get married, but that I would get married to the best guy, the perfect guy for me. You see me for me, Ethan. You always have. You’re sweet and caring, gentle and kind. Not really words I would have associated with you the first time I laid eyes on you. Those are not really for public hearing.” She giggled. “But you’ve brought love and joy and an amazing garden into my life. I’ll be yourlady friendfor as long as we’re alive.” She slid the ring onto his finger.

Ethan wasted no time at all in taking her into his arms to kiss her deeply. His hands cupped her face while hers clung to his shoulders.

“Well, folks. As steamy as this kiss was, it’s actually positivelychastecompared to other Flemming weddings I’ve been to.” Lou chucked. “You’re married now!”

The guests cheered and clapped, hopping to their feet as Ruby and Ethan ran down the aisle to the waiting car. Ethan helped her in and quickly sat in the driver’s seat.

“Do you think we have time to go check on the grape vines before we go?” she asked.

Ethan threw his head back with a laugh. “Is that your silly way of asking me if we can have sex in the vineyard?”

She brought a hand to her mouth with a feigned gasp. “What? Who? Me? Not a chance.” She winked at him. “You’re in my head, you are. In my heart too, husband.”

“Shit, that sounds good. Do we really need to go to the reception? Would they really miss us there?”

Ruby laughed. “I would think so, yeah. We’re kinda the guests of honor.”


“Well, that’s kinda why I was suggesting we gocheck on the plants. I heard there was a surprise frost tonight in the weather forecast. We run a winery; it’s the perfect excuse.”

“If only we didn’t have a bunch of employees who would be more than willing to take on that responsibility the day of our wedding.”

She snorted. “I guess folks will just see right through any excuse we have to sneak away.”


“So, what do we do?”

“What doyouwanna do right now, Ruby?”

She smiled bright and wide. “I love it when you ask me that. It’s so nice to have this kind of freedom. The freedom to say that I want to sneak away from my wedding reception to have sex with my husband.”

“I love that for us. Sneaky wedding sex. Let’s do it.” Ethan turned the wheel of the car, spinning the tires into a U-turn in their home’s direction.

“This is a great way to start forever,” she sighed happily.

* * *

As soon asEthan parked the car in front of their house, he rushed out and around the car to pull Ruby to her feet. “My dear wife,” he whispered.

“Part of me feels a little guilty we’re going to miss most of our wedding reception,” Ruby said as he helped her out of her seat.