“My sweetie, you remember we’redemons, right?”

The shock was still ringing in her ears. “Sure, we’re demons, but this is some next-level manipulation.”

“Welcome to Hell, kiddo. The number of creatures who actuallywantto be here, doing what they are meant to do is …” She paused. “Slim. That’s why this resort is such a good idea. It gives folks a break before they have to get back to the grind of soul collecting.”

Ruby scrubbed her scalp with her knuckles. “This is why you never had kids,” she said, looking up into her aunt’s eyes. “You wanted to stop, but you knew that you would need to raise a kid into this. That’s why you never had kids,” she repeated, jumping up to her knees on the bed. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

Portia gave her a small smile, but she didn’t confirm. “Well, now you know what you would have to do. Are you still going to walk away? Or are you going to try to make the best of it?”

Ruby let herself back onto the bed. “Honestly? I have no idea. Maybe if I met a nice guy, had a couple of kids …”

“They would have to train just like you did. You would be asked to retire if you married and had children.”

“But that’s trapping us.”

Ruby laughed. “Again, my sweetie. I’ve gotta ask you. You know what we are, right? Hell creatures.”

“I hate humans,” Ruby grumbled.

“You and me both,” Portia nodded, her features turning grave for the first time in days.

“They really don’t know how lucky they are to have all these choices. To have the freedom they do. And what do they do? They squander their souls away for sex and money.”

“Don’t forgetfame,” Portia added. “That one is more and more popular. The vanity demons are racking in the souls lately.”

“Fame for their soul? Silly idiots, the whole lot of them.” Ruby could only roll her eyes.

Portia shrugged. “But they would think you’re lucky to almost be immortal. You have low-grade magic too. That would be appealing to humans. Way more than a soul. They’ve completely forgotten the importance of it.”

“Powers and immortality forchoice? For freedom? No, thanks. I’d rather have a choice. I’d rather be free to make my own decisions.”

“Well, you can make your own choices within the parameters of our lives, like this holiday, for example. Make it whatever you want to be. If you want to spend the week being something else, someone else, do it. That’s what holidays arefor, sweetie.”

“And now I know why you’re always traveling.”

Her aunt laughed. “I’m spilling all my secrets, apparently. Now, enough of that. Put on the green dress. We’ve got places to be.”

This time, Ruby didn’t complain. If she was going to be a succubus until the end of time … this week, she could take a break and be someone else. She had some thinking to do, and unless she did what Portia said, she wouldn’t actually get a moment’s peace.

She slid on a little black dress, refusing to don the emerald-jeweled one Portia still held. The black garment was way moreher. The flowy material barely clung to her skin, but if there were even the most subtle breeze, the dress would move around her, and that was pretty damn sexy too.

Damn. It’s harder to turn off the succubus instincts than I thought …

* * *

The beach barhad twinkle lights everywhere, sparkling away, wrapped around every pillar and around the bar top. It was beautiful, and as night began to fall, it would definitely kick up the atmosphere a couple of notches and turn the fun holiday vibes into a very romantic feel.


Nope. That couldn’t be for her. Not if her daughters would be succubi and her sons incubi.

Stop thinking about it. It’s fine. I’m fine. This is a fun holiday for myself. Chill a bit, and then you’ll know what to do.

“Sit here,” Portia indicated a bar stool at one of the high tables.

“Why?” She narrowed her eyes. There were half a dozen tables, and each one was occupied by a lone woman. Some looked confident, almost bored, while others looked ready to run for the door.

Portia gave them a smile, one by one. She turned the full force of her powerful gaze to her niece. “Don’t argue, sweetie. Just listen. Trust me on this. You’re gonna be great. You are now on my speed dating list.”