“Oh, I sure did.”

For the rest of the walk back to the house, Mason talked to Nana, keeping her calm. She only started asking questions when they arrived home.

“Who is that handsome man?” Nana asked.

“That’s Mason,” she responded.

Nana giggled like she was a schoolgirl all over again. “He really is dashing.”

“Okay, Nana. I heard you.”

“You should hint that you’d be willing to go on a date with him.”

Lila coughed and spluttered. “What?”

“Well, I know you’re a modern woman, and you could ask him out to dinner, but let’s be honest. Lila, you’re not the kind of person who will take a chance. Not after what happened with…”

“And that’s enough! Okay, Nana. It’s bedtime!”

Nana waved her off. “Oh, you think that I’m old and senile and too blind to see what is going on. But I’m smarter than people give me credit for.” She tapped her head. “This brain still has some mileage left on it. You’ve been hurt, and you pretend you’re happy here all by yourself. I know you’re only sticking around Half Moon Key because of me.”

“Not true. Moony’s is our family’s place. I would never abandon it.”

“So what are you gonna do, Lila? Are you gonna have some babies in Half Moon Key and stay forever? Make them work at the diner? You need a man in your life to have babies.”

“I do?” Lila gasped. “Damn. And here I thought all I would have to do was call up the storks and get a baby delivered.”

“Don’t be sassy with me, Lila,” Nana grumbled. “I’m just saying. You can’t give the man shit for not wanting to stick around if you’re really the one who has one foot out the door.”

Lila was desperately embarrassed that her grandmother would be so blatant about Lila’s personal life. But she could hardly blame Nana. It wasn’t her fault.

And it’s not like she’s wrong.

The thought stung. All this time, she was sure thatMasonwas the one with his foot out the door. In reality, it wasn’t him who would leave Half Moon Key.

It was her.

Lila didn’t know if she would stay in Half Moon Key if all her family was gone. There were a whole lot of painful memories. There were good ones, too, but they were twinged with the early loss of her parents.

That’s why she had left for college. It was also why she came back when her grandfather died.

A breath shuttered out of her.

Mason took a step forward and held out his arm to Nana. “Let me walk you to your door.” He looked over his shoulder and winked at Lila.

Her face was already so flushed that it couldn’t get redder, but her body sure tried. She watched Mason walk away with Nana, chatting away with her as if they had met before. Like he cared about her.

He quickly returned to the living room, smiling wide.

“Thanks for doing that,” she said, her voice tight. “I kinda froze there …” She licked her lips. “She says things.”

“It’s okay, Lila. I already knew that’s why you’re pushing me away. You really don’t believe I am not going anywhere.” He took a step forward and then another. “But you gotta know the truth now.” He didn’t stop until he hovered over her. His hands went to her waist, and he brought her much closer to him. “I’m not going anywhere,” he repeated. “Lila, so long as this is where you are, it’s where I wanna be.”

She swallowed, her throat dry and tight. “Mason,” she whispered.

“You can tell me to fuck off in a minute. Just let me do this first.” He leaned all the way down and pressed his lips to hers.

The second their lips met, Lila’s entire body exploded with everything she had tried so hard to deny.I’m into you. I’m scared to want you. I don’t want to hurt again.And then the ever quiet,but I don’t think you would hurt me.