“I think you should come over to my place for a drink or something.”

“I totally think that is the best idea ever.” Mason kissed her quickly, and before she could even catch her breath, he was locking the entrance and taking her to the house next door.

Lila unlocked the door and pointed out where the living room. “You already know the layout of the house,” she said, blushing. “Do you want a beer?”

“Sure, but you sit right here, darling.” He pulled her down to the couch. “I’ll get the beers. I can find my way around any kitchen.”

She wanted to argue with him, but she was actually pleased to sit for a moment. Her feet were killing her, and her knees had wobbled together so many times during the day that she was sure they were bruised. Not that she cared about that last one. She would take sore knees for Mason.

“Oh, my god,” she laughed, realizing what she had just thought.

“What’s up?” Mason asked as he returned with two beers poured in cold glasses.

“It’s nothing. I just had a very silly idea. Kinda like a sex joke.” She clapped a hand to her mouth. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

Mason laughed. “That was awesome. You didn’t even mean to tell me, did you?”

She shook her head. “Nope. Fuck, that was embarrassing.”

“Tell me what that brain of yours came up with.” His eagerness to hear was adorable.

She closed her eyes and took a deep pull from her beer. She explained the naughty thought, and he threw his head back with a laugh. “That’s awesome. Hilarious, but you should know. I wouldn’t ask you to be on your knees in front of me, darling. Not unless you chose to do it.” He lifted her head with a finger under her chin. “Come here.” He helped her up and then helped her straddle him into the couch. His hands went to her ass for a quick squeeze before settling on her hips. “This is good. I get to see those beautiful eyes of yours.”

Lila giggled. “You’re very sweet, Mason Pierce. I wouldn’t mind being told this kind of stuff all the time.”

“Then it’s a deal. I’ll just keep telling you how amazing you are.”

Lila leaned down and kissed him sweetly. He tried to deepen the kiss, but she quickly moved away. “You drove me a little bit crazy today with all of the kisses. I kinda want payback.”

His eyes flashed with desire. “Yeah? And just want did you have in mind?”

She laughed and whistled low. “I have no clue, but I’m sure I can think of something.”

“I’ve got no doubt, darling. But how about tonight, you let me take care of you.”

Lila fully expected him to start tugging at her shirt, but he surprised the hell out of her when he eased her back onto the couch. He took her feet and started moving his fingers over her sore arches, massaging her feet.

She moaned as her eyes rolled back into her head. “Okay. Not what I thought you were gonna do.”

He grinned. “Oh, I know exactly what you were thinking, you saucy woman. But you spent all day on your feet, and these must be sore.”

“They are, yeah. But just so you know, this feels absolutely amazing.”

“I can tell. You’repanting.”

“Am not!” she gasped.

“Totally.” He nudged his chin toward his erection. “You’re moaning so hard I’m all ready to go.”

She giggled. “You’re hard because I was straddling you a second ago. I’m not moa…ah!” Lila couldn’t stop laughing. Of course, she would moan as soon as she said she wasn’t! “You did that on purpose. You timed it.”

He threw his head back with a laugh. “That’s exactly right, darling. I did. It was totally worth it.”

“You’re such a shit disturber.”

“You don’t know the half of it. You know I told you I pranked my brother a lot growing up, right?”

She nodded.