It was a little bit intoxicating to know she had made this man … this gorgeous, smart, well-endowed man … lose himself so completely in her. Lila had never felt sexier or more powerful.

Then again, sex had never been like this before. That was straight-up magic, and her body was already howling for more. She was sure that she would forever crave more of Mason now that she knew what it was like to be with him.

“You’re fucking incredible, Lila,” Mason panted.

She giggled and covered her face with her hands. “I’m pretty sure you got that backward. You’re the one who just didthat.”

“Did what? Made love to you?”

She nodded. “Not sure I’ve ever felt this completely undone.”

His smile … which was already huge … got even bigger. “Well, that’s a very nice compliment.”

Lila rolled her eyes but continued to laugh. “You’re so humble.”

“I know, right? I didn’t even show you everything I’m capable of doing.”

“How is that even possible?”

He laughed. “We’ve got a whole life ahead of us for me to completely blow your mind.”

A whole life sounded like a long time, but Lila didn’t want to argue with him. In fact, a whole life with Mason Pierce was exactly what she was starting to want.



Mason had been in Half Moon Key long enough to know his brother’s schedule. Not that a small-town Sheriff had many days off. From what Mason knew, Cohen was always on call, and if there was a quieter morning, Cohen would head down to the lake for some fishing.

That’s why it was no surprise for Mason to find Cohen by the lake at his little house that afternoon. There was a cooler on the small dock, no doubt full of cold beer. Cohen’s line was in the water, but judging by the relaxed set of his shoulders, he was fully asleep, basking in the sun's rays.

“Good nap?” Mason asked.

Cohen jumped and jolted awake. “Wha…“ He tugged his sunglasses off and readjusted his ball cap. “Mason? What’s wrong?

Mason chuckled. “Wrong? Why would something need to be wrong for me to stop by unannounced to talk to you?”

“Because you’re trouble. You’ve always been trouble, and you will always be trouble. If you’re here, it means something is wrong. And I just don’t mean my house. I mean in Half Moon Key.”

Mason rolled his eyes. “You have so little faith in me. I’ve been in town for months now, and I’ve yet to cause any kind of problem. That alone should be enough to get you to back down from all of this paranoia, big bro.”

“Maybe,” Cohen conceded. “But I still don’t think you would come here by choice. You don’t want to tell me? That’s fine. I’ll figure it out sooner or later. Or you’re gonna blow up your life, and then you won’t have a choice but to tell me.Thenyou’ll be on your knees begging for my help. It’s your pattern. We both know this.”

“Oh, ha-ha. Very funny. Impossible to accept that I might have changed. Matured.”

Cohen shook his head. “Really?Matured?”

“You gonna offer me one of those?” He nudged his chin toward the cooler.

Cohen flipped the lid of his cooler, reached in, and handed Mason a tall boy. He was quick to open it and down a big gulp. “This town really is something else, huh. I can see why you wouldn’t want to leave. I love the rhythm here. So calm. Nothing is ever life or death. Very little drama.”

“Little drama. That is why I like it here for sure. Not at all like the city.”

“The dating pool is pretty narrow for you. I’m sure that is a major selling point for you.”

Cohen gave his brother a sideways glare. “Easy. You don’t wanna piss me off. If you get on my bad side, I’ll toss you in the lake.”

Mason laughed and lifted his beer to his brother. “You got it. I’ll leave the topic of your broken heart alone.”