Nana’s face lit up with recognition. “You like the burger well-done with extra sweet potato fries and a big slice of cherry pie.”

Cameron nodded. “I do. That’s my order at Moony’s. How about we go for a bite together?” the deputy offered.

“So long as I don’t have to cook. I’m sick of cooking.” Nana held out her hand, and Cameron rushed forward, took the old woman by the arm, and led her away after exchanging a few quick words with Cohen.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Cohen ran to Mason. “Did you hear that? An acquaintance of yours is in town. And took your mate. Do you know why? Because you didn’t warn that poor girl to be wary of strangers. You should’ve been honest with her from the very first moment.”

Mason shook his head, sniffing loudly out of his snout.

“Right. Enough chitchat. Let’s find Lila.”

Without another thought or word, Cohen shifted into his wolf, and together, the brothers raced off into the woods, following Lila’s scent twinged with the two or three panthers. It was hard to get a good read on the number of intruders there could be because it was clear someone had done a fair amount of sniffing around before approaching Lila.

The scent of panthers was everywhere.

The more they ran, the farther away from Half Moon Key they were going. There was barely any hint of the smell of the lake in the air, and the sounds of the woods were stronger and stronger. If this was a tactical move on the panthers’ part, it was a good one. It would make finding Lila that much harder. More than that, it would also make it difficult for any backup to get to them on time … should they need it.

ButMason didn’t think they would need any kind of backup. If he found that panthers had indeed stolen his mate, he was going to rip them to shreds.

Finally, the big feline aroma was unbearable. Up ahead, there was a break in the trees, and Mason could hear the sound of large paws hitting against the ground. The scent was stronger than ever, making his nose ache. There was a ball of anger in his throat, and he was seeing red.

The moment Mason and Cohen broke through the trees, three panthers turned to look at them advancing. The tension in the air was so thick that it could have been cut with a fork.

The larger panther was pacing at the edge of the gully, growling low. Even at a distance, Mason could hear the sound of it. It made his teeth grind down. The big feline wasn’t going to get the better of him. Not a chance. It didn’t matter that it was two wolves against three panthers.

Mason would make kitty bites out of them for fucking with his mate and Nana. Who did that and threatened a sweet little old lady? There was a special place in hell for the Stevenses.

The panther padded closer, its back hunched down low, ready for an attack at a moment’s notice. Mason didn’t waste any time. He pounced on the panther, but at the very last moment, the panther was ready for him, surprising Mason. It swiped at him with sharp claws drawn. The blow connected, and he felt the violent scrape of the claws on his jowl. He closed his eyes in anger, roaring. He immediately swiped right back at it, first with the left, then with the right, standing on his back paws. There was no way he would let the panther have drawn blood without returning the favor.

The blows connected, and the smell of the blood scented the air. If Mason could’ve smiled, he would have. This was the start of his revenge. He couldn’t see Lila, but he could smell her. The only reason he wasn’t tearing through the woods to find Lila was simply because he couldn’t smellherblood.

That would’ve been a whole other situation.

Mason, bolstered by the hit he landed, pounced again. First to the left, using one paw to swipe at the panther’s side, then to the right with a repetitive motion. The quick succession surprised the cat, and it didn’t anticipate being hit twice in as many seconds.

There, mother fucker. Bleed for taking what’s mine.

The panther stumbled, and one of the others tried to launch itself at his back, but Cohen was there to intercept the attack. His brother nearly ripped off the feline’s head with the brunt of the hit. That was a clear message too.Don’t fuck with my brother.

Cohen had his back to the end.

Mason didn’t waste the opening, and he lunged for the panther. He snapped one of its front paws with his jowls. The limb was broken but would heal fast enoughifMason let them live.

The jury was still out on that one.

With one of the panthers out of the fight, Cohen focused on one and Mason on the alpha. He trusted Cohen’s ability to defend himself and focused all of his attention on his opponent. There were already a good number of small injuries. Not enough to maim or take it out of the fight, but enough to give Mason the edge.

He grinned at the other animal.You’re fucked, buddy.

Mason lunged, swiping hard and fast. He added his teeth to the mix every chance he got. The panther could barely keep up enough to block most of the hits. Mason was by far the better fighter.

Soon, he had the panther on the ground, pinned by the throat. The very tips of his claws were slowly piercing the soft flesh of the neck. He took this chance to give mercy.

Not because it was expected or even deserved.

He was just showing this idiot what a real man did.

“You fucked up by coming here, Stevens. I didn’t know she was married,” Mason insisted.