She nodded, dissolving into a fit of giggles. It was pure madness. Just like the shivering, she had no idea where the laughter was coming from. “Mason,” she managed to say.

“It’s the shock, darling. You’re okay.”

“I know. I know. It’s not shock. Okay, maybe it is, but did you see that? You’re a wolf!” She laughed again, knowing that she sounded insane. Why couldn’t she stop laughing?

Mason took her face in his hands and looked deep into her eyes. “Lila, listen to me. You’re okay. He took you, but you’re not hurt. I saved you. I have you in my arms, and you’re safe. It’s over, darling. Nana is with Cameron, and just so you know, she has a little bit of a crush on him.”

Suddenly, her body stopped trembling. She didn’t have to find this funny. She could stop and breathe. The edges of her brain were able to smooth down. Masonwasholding her, and shewasjust fine. It was all over.

“Oh, my god!” She gasped as she finally landed back into her body from the shock. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what just happened.”

“No, no. Don’t you dare apologize! You were in shock, and it made you disassociate a bit. You’re okay now.”

Lila held Mason close to her. Feeling his arms on her, smelling him, hearing his voice, and sensing his heart beating against hers was a bit healing and a lot comforting. She let it soak into her.

“You came for me.”

“Always.” He kissed her hair. “I will always come for you. I am never going to leave you, Lila. You’re it for me. My whole world.”

She nodded and took another deep breath. “I love you, Mason.”

“Love you, too, darling. You’re okay.”

They continued reassuring each other. Lila knew she needed it, but she could tell Mason was also in need of some of it too. It had been an intense afternoon, and it wasn’t over yet. There were obviously some things they had to talk about later when she was feeling better.

Besides, they weren’t alone. Cohen stood off to the side of the clearing, giving them a moment to themselves. But there was a limit to the Sheriff’s patience.

He cleared his throat. “Well, that was interesting,” he said to his brother.

“You can say that again. Thanks for having my back.”

Cohen nodded. “Anytime. That’s what family is for. You got that, Lila? You and Nana aren’t just citizens for me. You’re family now.”

Lila understood his meaning. “You know I’m Mason’s mate.”

“I do, yes. Do you understand the gravity of it? What it means?”

“Are you giving me the big brother speech right now?” she asked.

Cohen chuckled, which was very out of character for him. Lila couldn’t remember a time she saw the Sheriff laugh. Ever. “I am, yeah. Sorry. Old habits die hard.”

“You’re telling me you’ve been defending my honor, bro?”

Cohen flipped him off, and the brothers chuckled to each other. Lila rolled her eyes. “Guys are so weird. Now, if we could get the hell out of these woods. I’ve got a diner to run, and you two need clothes.”

Lila marched out of the woods and into town. Before leaving the cover of the trees, she turned to the two very naked Pierce brothers. “You two stay right there. I’ll get you some clothes. Half Moon Key is a cool place and all, but seeing the Sheriff walk around town in the buff isn’t a good thing for anyone.”

She quickly returned to her place, took some of Mason’s clothes, and ran them back to the wolf shifters. Cohen looked grateful, judging by the sour glower he had on his face. “Thanks. I’ll see you lovebirds around. I need to check in with the station. Be good, you two. No more fighting.”

They watched him jog off to the station, where he no doubt had a spare uniform. Lila turned toward her man. “I wonder how people would react if they knew the Sheriff was a wolf.”

Mason chuckled. “I’m thinking they wouldn’t be too bothered. There are quite a few shifters in town. Locals who have always lived here, I’m guessing. New people too.”

Lila’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “What? Oh, my god! I didn’t even think of that. I never even thought of asking you if there were more shifters in town. I just didn’t think it was a common thing! Who else is a shifter?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I’m not telling. You’ll have to guess.” He chuckled when she narrowed her eyes at him.

“And why wouldn’t you tell me?”