“Fine. Release me, Cohen.”

“You got it,Danielle.” He said her name low and rough like he had never dared to say it out loud before that very moment. “I’ll get you more fries. Sit.”

Much to Lila’s surprise, Danielle actually sat in the booth.

Lila and Mason exchanged a look. He hooked an eyebrow at her. “I think I need a cold shower after watching that whole exchange,” he whispered in her ear.

She giggled, but the laughter died out when Cohen glared at them. Of course, he would have heard what his brother had just said with his shifter ears.

“It’s great that you two want to stay,” Lila cut in. “Maybe you both could go get the desserts from the kitchen? Thanks a bunch. I need to check on Nana, and Mason has to come with me because …”

“Because?” Cohen pressed, seeing right through her.

“Because,” Mason insisted, “Nana is my grandmother too. I can’t be seen not giving her the attention she deserves as the quintessential mother of the bride.” He winked at his brother and led Lila way.

She leaned into him. “We are either brilliant, or our wedding will be an absolute blood bath.”

Mason chuckled and shook his head. “Nah. Our wedding day will be amazing, and if those two are there, it’ll just mean that things will be interesting. By that time, they’ll be the best of friends.”

Lila giggled. “Or something else entirely.”

Mason nodded. “If they’re half as lucky as we are, maybe they’ll end up right where we are. Engaged and in love with a beautiful future ahead of them.”

“I do love you, Mason Pierce. You’re quite the romantic.”

“I know, right? I’m awesome, but that’s nothing compared to how fucking wonderful you are, Lila Pierce.”

“I’m still a Ford,” she pointed out.

He shrugged. “Only for another little while. You’re gonna take my last name, and we are gonna live happily ever after.”

“You sound so sure.” She sighed happily.

“That’s because I am. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. We’re meant to be, Lila. And our forever starts right now because we’re together, and nothing will ever change that.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, darling. Now, will you give me permission to dance with Nana? Her foot is tapping, and I think she’s about to make for the door.”

“Of course, you can dance with her. She’ll love it.”

Lila watched as her man, her fiancé, and her mate walked to her elderly and ailing grandmother and asked her to dance. Nana’s face lit up with a grin, and they stood in the middle of Moony’s, swaying to the song.

Lila knew life couldn’t get much better than this. The amazing part? Itwouldget better, and it would never be truly bad because she was loved right where and how she was.

“Come join us,” Nana called out.

Lila did just that, and her heart was as full as it could be. All because a wolf on the run came to hide in Half Moon Key.

The End …

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