Page 26 of Fur the Night

She held the box in one hand, and he moved closer to see it better. He was practically ringing with denial.

This can’t be happening!

But it was. As he got closer, his eyes made out the lettering on the box.

It was a home pregnancy test kit.



Gage’s first instinct was to run. There was no reason or thought in it. The sensation of inexplicable danger was so strong that his head swam.

It was as if he could see the forest floor flowing beneath his paws as he ran, feel the canopy overhead as it rustled in the breeze. His human mind tugged hard as it tried to pull away like a balloon tied down by a thin piece of string fighting a gale.

He had never wanted to let go of his humanity and disappear into his bear more than he did right then.

He would never abandon his mate. That wasn’t even a question. The moment was just so shocking that it split his mind in two and made him desperate to cast off the complicated human emotions trapping him and hurting him more than his years of war.

It seemed as though his eyes had been fixed on that little box for an awfully long time. Rylee was still staring at him, her eyes shadowed. There was only one light on, and the resulting darkness made her look ethereal, something not completely physical. Gage trembled, trying to take a deep breath.

He couldn’t run. He couldn’t speak. He had absolutely no idea what to do.

I have to know.

He strode across the room, straight to Rylee’s bathroom. He slapped the door with one hand and held it open, pointing into the room, indicating that she should go in and he would wait outside.

Rylee followed him with her eyes, but she didn’t move. The shadows in the apartment were still flickering over her, obscuring her face. He could hardly process the situation, how much had changed between them just in the space of a few minutes.

It’s like we’re strangers or enemies even. Just a few nights ago, she was in my arms, and we were as close as two people could get. Now she might be carrying my child … and I feel like I can’t even touch her.

“It’s best to do the test in the morning,” Rylee said, watching him but not moving. “The hormones are stronger then.”

Gage struggled to find his voice. Finding coherent thoughts to turn into speech was a challenge too. But he knew damn well he wasn’t going to wait until morning.

“I’ll buy you another one to take tomorrow,” he said, his voice soft. He was relieved that it was low and comforting, not a threatening growl. “We both know you’ve got to pee on that stick, now,” he said. Rylee looked defiant but also resigned.

She was going to take it tonight, anyway.

“Okay,” she said softly. He realized she was trying to delay the moment. Maybe, it was better to not know.

She walked toward him, and he kept himself still with an effort of will. He wanted to take her into his arms so badly and hold her against his chest. He wished he was the kind of guy that could stroke her hair and tell her everything was going to be okay…but he wasn’t.

I’m a brutal fucking soldier, and she’s a goddess. How can I have done this to her?

Rylee headed into the bathroom and shut the door. Every minute that dragged by felt like an eternity. He couldn’t believe it took so long to pee on a stick.

When the door opened, he actually jumped in surprise. Even though the waiting had been brutal, he hadn’t been ready for her to come out. Rylee headed for the couch and sat, putting down the little plastic stick with its window facing up.

He sat beside her, desperate to touch her but not wanting to at the same time. He stared at the little stick as if it might explode.

“Results should be visible within five minutes,” Rylee whispered. Gage stared at it, not entirely sure what he was supposed to see. Then, in the little windowpane on top, two bold lines became visible. Rylee gasped.

“That’s a positive,” she said. Her voice sounded strange, like she wanted to scream but couldn’t.

Gage stared at the pregnancy test, not brave enough to look up. Thinking about the possibility of Rylee being pregnant had put him into shock, but now he was completely out of his mind. Stress and worry like nothing he’d ever known before came crashing down on him with the force of a burning house collapsing into rubble.

Rylee is carrying my child!