Page 32 of Fur the Night

The woman put a hand on his arm. Her lips brushed his cheek. At that moment, something horrible broke inside him. All he wanted was to hold Rylee, even if it was just one more time. He ached for her, longed for her. His soul was screaming as every fiber of his being craved her.

The very idea that someone, anyone, could stand in for her was horrific. His body recoiled, his stomach lurching as his heart wrenched in his chest.

He turned to the woman, realizing that their faces were now dangerously close. The poor, sweet creature had no idea what kind of bastard she was dealing with. He shook his head, trying to tell her no, he wasn’t interested, and to please go away … when he saw Rylee staring at him from across the room.

The shock hit him so hard that he almost fell off the stool. Rylee turned to run, and Gage went after her, not even noticing the people he pushed out of his way.

“Rylee!” he yelled, shoving at the crowd as he fought to catch up with her. The pain he had seen etched on her face in that brief instant was like a brand on his soul.

I can’t … I can’t let this happen!

Near the doors, he finally caught up with her and grabbed her elbow. She turned, swinging around, and lashing out with her other hand. Her palm caught him right across the cheek with a tremendous crack that made several people stop and look. A few men winced in sympathy.

“You, pig!” Rylee screamed. “You total, absolute, disgusting pig! You…”

“Rylee, please, wait…”

“No! Fuck you! What could you possibly have to say that I would want to listen to!”

“Rylee, please, it’s not what it looked like…”

He reached for her, knowing that if he could just hold her for one second, just one, everything would be all right. She was right there, her gorgeous hazel eyes flashing in the laser lights, her long brown hair glossy and curling down her back. Her scent was driving him wild…he’d never felt so desperate.

He also felt like this was his last chance. If he didn’t take her in his arms now, he never would, ever again. He could feel it.

Pain flooded through him, a great chasm opening up in his chest. He had begged the universe only a few minutes before for the chance to hold her one last time. Now she was right in front of him, and he couldn’t touch her.

“Why don’t you get a vasectomy!” Rylee screamed. “I think you should before you end up with more unwanted bastard children!”

Her words hit him harder than the slap. His cheek stung, but his heart was torn to shreds. He couldn’t do anything except stand frozen to the spot, watching as Rylee ran for a cab, disappearing into the taxi before he could stop her.

He didn’t need to turn around to know that every single one of their friends had witnessed the exchange. Like it or not, everybody knew now.



The world swirled around her, a hellish place of bright colors that hurt her eyes and loud, sharp noises that made her feel like she was being attacked by hammers. Escaping into the taxi didn’t help much…she still felt like hell was banging on every window.

Rylee curled up in the backseat, looking out at the garish world dancing in the city lights. She saw people laughing, dancing, and having fun. To her, it looked like a funhouse gone wrong where everyone was already dead. They just didn’t know it yet.

She sobbed softly, glad she didn’t have a talkative cabbie. All she had to do was hang on until she got home, then she could cry as much as she wanted. Rylee hugged her knees tighter, trying to curl up as if she could escape the pain by becoming as small as possible.

I should have known better.

The trouble was she did. It would have been far too easy to say, “I’m a pregnant woman, and I need my rest.” She had almost done that when her friends urged her to come out with them. There was absolutely no good reason to go to the club.

Except to see Gage.

She held in a sob as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. How ridiculous that this was the moment she realized her main motivation for going was because she wanted to see him. She’d been hoping that they’d run into each other and work everything out.

I’ve missed him so much!

When the cab stopped, it took her a moment to come back to reality. She paid her fare and stepped out of the taxi carefully, feeling unsteady and trembling. For a few brief moments, Rylee felt completely numb, and she was glad of it…she was able to get up to her apartment without completely breaking down.

The second she closed the door behind her, the tears hit her again. She really had missed Gage, a lot more than she’d been able to admit. The fact that he’d left her a message had given her hope that maybe he really was sorry, and they’d be able to work everything out.

Those dreams of her and Gage kissing and laughing while they picked out baby clothes were now shattered in pieces at her feet. She couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid, but at least she’d seen his true colors now.