Page 37 of Fur the Night

“You deserve to be happy, Gage,” she whispered. “And I will tell you that every single day for the rest of our lives if that’s what it takes to convince you. You are more than worthy of me … of us. We could never find a man with a better heart than you. That’s what makes you good enough.”

Gage’s arms tightened around her, and she could feel the thundering of his big, strong heart against her cheek. He’d been broken and terribly wounded, but there was so much strength in that heart. She knew he could become whole again.

The baby and I will make it so. He’ll see that he’s worthy and deserving of love. Our love can heal him.

He took hold of her arms gently, pulling back to look into her face. He looked like he wanted to speak but had no words left. Rylee smiled with amusement. He really was a strong, silent type. Maybe he’d used up all his words for the day.

“I know you didn’t sleep with that woman, Gage,” she said, sighing. “I knew it yesterday. I saw that she was all over you, and you weren’t even interested in her. I just got scared, you know? My worst fears came out, and they overtook me for a short time. I felt like it was safer to run away, to shut down.”

“I know,” Gage said, stroking her hair. He was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful thing in the world. As if she might disappear if he didn’t keep his eyes and hands on her at all times.

She moved a little closer, putting one hand on his cheek as they gazed into each other's eyes. The deep blue of his irises entranced her, even more so now that his soul was completely open to her. All his barriers were down.

He was hers, and she knew it.

“It’s too late to go back now, Gage,” she said. “It’s been too late since the first moment I saw you.”

She leaned forward and kissed him softly, gently. He sat still, letting her run her hands over his chest as she explored his lips. Rylee felt emotions rising in her that she had never experienced. They were stronger than her lust or her love, and they had to do with nurturing Gage as well as their child.

She pulled back a little, smiling as she stroked his cheek.

“I’ve fallen in love with you, Gage. We’re going to have a baby together. I want this to work. I’ll do anything I can to make that happen. I’ll try to understand at all times what you’ve gone through. I’m going to remind you every day that you deserve to be happy.”

“Rylee … ”

“Shh.” She put her fingers over his lips. “You’re a good man, Gage. A hero. You should be proud of yourself.”

He blinked, shaking his head. Rylee kissed him again, more urgently this time. Gage’s hands fluttered by her sides as if he were afraid to touch her. She climbed onto his lap, pushing his shoulders back against the couch.

Gage trembled as his hands circled her waist, but she kept kissing him, stroking his chest. She wanted to take all his pain away, bleed it out of him, and leave him relaxed and happy. She wanted him to know he was loved and wanted.

Rylee needed to comfort herself too. For so many days, she’d thought about this, longed for this, thinking that she couldn’t have it. Now she realized Gage had been doing the exact same thing.

What a pair of fools we are.

Rylee sat up on Gage’s lap, reaching down to grab the hem of her dress, and pulled it up over her shoulders. As she dropped it on the floor, Gage gasped, his hands coming up to cover her breasts. She reached around and undid the bra clip, letting Gage pull it off so he could rub his palms against her nipples.

“Hmm, that feels good,” she sighed, leaning back. “I think I’m going to give up wearing bras for the rest of the pregnancy.”

“No argument from me,” Gage grinned. Rylee laughed as she leaned forward to kiss him, snuggling her body against his.

As his hands moved gently across her skin, Rylee felt the ache inside her intensify until it was like pain. She’d been wanting him and denying herself for so long that now her emotions were charging through her with the force of a stampede. She moaned softly between their kisses, pain mixed with pleasure.

“Are you all right?” Gage asked.

She nodded. “I’m just … I missed you.”

He tried to smile, but instead, he frowned. “I missed you too.”

When they came together this time, the kiss was fired with a desperate urgency. Rylee thrust her hips against him, grinding downward as their hands groped each other’s bodies. Gage moaned into her mouth, his hands gripping her hips as he thrust upward.

Rylee sat up, looking to the ceiling as she cried out. Gage lifted her, almost throwing her onto the couch, where he tore off her panties and dove onto her pussy. Rylee twisted, gasping as his tongue found her clit, and his lips explored her deeper folds.

She grabbed his hair with one hand, thrusting her hips up. Her insides trembled, and she felt release waiting for her, almost close enough to touch.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she yelled. Gage tightened his hands on her hips and obeyed, lapping at her clit and farther down, keeping up the pressure until Rylee went into a full-body spasm, her arms and legs shaking as the orgasm flooded through her bones and raced over her skin.

Rylee threw one hand over her face, moaning as her body throbbed. When she looked up, Gage had his pants down, and he was kneeling at the edge of the couch. She reached out for his hands, nodding eagerly. He wound his fingers through hers and slid forward, teasing her pussy with the head of his cock.