Page 40 of Fur the Night

Gage tried to swallow and found a huge lump in his throat. They sat down, and Rylee began to fill out her forms.

“What kind of questions do they ask?” he was curious but also trying to distract himself.

“Oh, you know. Really hard ones. Name, email address, date of birth.”

“But your name is Rylee,” he said, not thinking. She giggled.

“Damn, that’s an easy one.” She shook her head. “I should have gotten that.” Gage looked at her in surprise. She poked him in the ribs. “Come on, Gage. Loosen up. We’re together now. You can let yourself be happy.”

He realized she had no idea why he was so anxious. From the outside, he might look overprotective, possibly even paranoid. The obvious solution was to tell her everything, but that was almost as terrifying as finding out a shifter pregnancy was going to be riskier than a human one.

Rylee filled out her forms and gave them back to the receptionist. She was told to go to a side room and change and came out a few minutes later in a long robe. Within a few minutes, the doctor called them in.

“Come in,” the doctor said, gesturing for them to sit. “I’m Doctor Lambert. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rylee.”

They introduced themselves, and Gage sat, every muscle tensed as the doctor checked Rylee over. He did a full examination at Gage’s request, and once he was done, he shook his head and smiled.

“You’re in perfect health, young lady,” he said. “And so is your baby.”

Rylee giggled, pointing at Gage. “I told you so.”

Gage breathed a sigh of relief, wishing he could completely relax. “Is there anything I can do for you, Rylee?” he asked, desperate to care for her in any way possible.

“Just give me a few minutes to get dressed, then you can take me out for something to eat.” She grinned.

He nodded. “You got it. Anywhere you want.”

She waved a hand at him, and he and Dr. Lambert left the room so she could change. They walked down the hall a short way, and the doctor pulled Gage aside.

“I have to say, young man, it’s very unusual that you haven’t claimed her yet.”

Gage ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. “Well … it's because she doesn’t know I’m a shifter.”

“You haven’t told her?”

“No,” Gage shook his head, feeling lost. How could he explain to a stranger everything that he’d gone through these past few months? He’d had more than enough time to tell her, true. But how many secrets could a man reveal at once while still holding on to his sanity?

The doctor's eyes widened. “Gage, this is serious business. She should know what she’s getting into here. You must claim her soon, or the council will have to take action.”

“I know,” Gage muttered.

Doctor Lambert shook his head. “I don’t think you do. The council is gravely concerned over the state of the clan. If they don’t think you are a good mate to her, they’ll throw you into the ring of death to fight until someone kills you, then they become her mate.”

Gage knew this, but for the first time, he realized it could actually happen to him. There were plenty of males who had lost their mates, and they would do anything to have a relationship and a healthy child. Even if they weren’t fated, males would fight for the honor to claim Rylee in any sense.

“Another male could become her husband and my child’s father,” he whispered, the reality finally hitting him.

“If not that, then they would lock her away until she has the baby, then take it from her,” the doctor said bluntly.

Gage felt a whole new kind of terror rise inside him. His choices seemed to be losing Rylee, whether he told her the truth or even if he didn’t. He struggled with himself for a moment, and the doctor patted his arm.

“You’ll get there, son. You need to tell her. Everything will come out fine.”

Gage suddenly looked up, down the hall. “Where is she?”

A look of worry crossed the doctor's face. They both looked at each other, then rushed down the hall. They had been standing and talking for at least fifteen minutes, more than enough time for Rylee to get dressed.

Maybe she’s styling her hair.