Page 51 of Fur the Night

They planned a short and intimate wedding a mere week after the announcement in the ring. Rylee hadn’t ever been a woman who fantasized about a fairy-tale wedding. She never considered the idea that anyone would want to spend their life with her, so she never indulged in the thought.

Even when she knew she was in love with Gage, she still didn’t require something extravagant. She knew it was going to be the clan claiming ceremony that he considered the most important, rather than the wedding itself. Practically, though, it made sense to become partners in the eyes of the law.

Gage still managed to organize a small, romantic, intimate event. He rented a tiny venue and bought a cake that was decorated in a lovely light pink hue. Petals lined the aisle that she walked down with Cassie and Sydney. She had informed her parents about the wedding, but as predicted, they didn’t approve of the quick pace. They didn’t matter anymore. In the past, their disapproval would have broken her apart, but now, it fluttered past her like some annoying fly.

They invited her friends along with a few people who worked at Midnight Mates and some teachers from Candlewood. They held the wedding in the afternoon in the small building under dim lantern-like lights casting a soft glow on their gazes.

Rylee moved down the aisle with ease, but it was when she saw Gage that her heart swooned to the heavens.

He was wearing a light gray suit with a black collar, his hair trimmed and groomed. His beard remained but had been smoothed out, lined perfectly with his strong jaw. His eyes were brighter than usual, and Rylee initially thought it was the lights.

But it was him. His darkness had receded, replaced with eyes full of wonder and intrigue.

Her heart soared with the most enchanting song as she reached him, and they held hands in front of the minister. She barely heard anything the person said. She was so captivated by Gage’s calm, sea-blue eyes.

He held both her hands and squeezed them the way he did when he knew she was emotional. He was intuitive like that, and it turned her on to know he was in tune with her.

“Rylee,” he began. “I know I wasn’t the easiest nut to crack. But I was blinded because you were the sun, and I’m sorry it took me so long to see your light.”

The crowd aww-ed, and while Rylee could feel her skin blooming into a blush, she pursed her lips at the same time. It was just like him to sneak an apology into their vows.

Gage kissed her hands, his small, mysterious smirk making her breathing pick up the pace. She shook her head and rolled her eyes, then proceeded to say her vows to him.

“Gage,” she started, lips still pursed playfully, “you haven’t always been kind to yourself. I know you have been so hurt in life that you feel you didn’t deserve love. But I am here, and will always be, to remind you of the precious treasure you are.”

The crowd cheered and applauded, and she watched as Gage’s eyes sparkled with tears. The minister announced them as man and wife, and he wasted no time in pulling her in by the waist. Their kiss was passionate and deep, while their close friends and family howled with joy beyond them.

They held another intimate get-together after the ceremony, consisting of a three-course meal and an open bar. There were only a handful of people, so things did not get too rowdy. Gage spent the entire night holding onto Rylee’s hand, or her thigh, her lower back, or anywhere. She loved the reassuring feeling of his touch and couldn't wait to be marked by him in the next two days.

They prepared for the ceremony chatting, deciding to rent a penthouse separate from the club but not too far. Rylee would still work in Candlewood but would help Gage on days when he went to therapy to cope with the flashbacks he had been having.

He would wake up in the night, coated in sweat, pleading for the friends that he lost in the explosion that damaged his jaw. Rylee had learned to just hold him, bring him back to reality by running her hands through his hair and breathing deeply. It usually helped him either fall back asleep or stay up to talk about the dream.

His past didn’t scare Rylee. Gage had learned that being vulnerable was only going to make their relationship stronger. She knew it was hard for him, and she took every opportunity to remind him of his strength when going into the past.

When it came for the night of the mating ceremony, Rylee walked with her beloved hand in hand through a dark forest. Talon, Cassie, Sydney, and Draco were all holding long robes over their arms along with flaming torches held above their heads.

It was a mystical experience, holding onto her lover’s hand, wearing light and loose clothing the way Gage had instructed her. He had told her how the ceremony would go. They didn’t have to have sex in front of everyone. What was important was the mark he would leave. It could be on her neck or her hip, but it had to happen.

Rylee thought that her past self would be terrified. She was mating a man who could turn into a bear, and he had to bite her or scratch her hard enough to leave a mark and make her his for eternity. But the fact that it was with Gage gave her peace so deep that she thought she may never feel afraid again.

He looked at her, sporting a small, sweet smile as they stepped over branches and leaves. He looked concerned for her, and she appreciated him to the very depths of her soul. She licked her lips at him, then winked, trying to reassure her man.

“I’m okay, baby,” Rylee whispered.

Draco, Sydney, Cassie, and Talon were slightly ahead of them. The night air was cool and gentle, romantic in its darkness with the pool of light from the moon filtered by the rows of trees. Her heart beat at a steady pace, growing more serene with every tap.

Eventually, Rylee spotted a stream of orange light creeping through the tree line. As they got closer, she realized that torches were held by people in robes, the same robes that their friends had brought with them. All of them were hooded, standing in a circle. Gage stopped and looked at Talon, who gave him a quick nod.

Then they each put on a robe and joined the circle silently. Cassie gave Rylee a cute smile before pulling her hood up and mouthed something to her before departing.

“You’ll do fine,” she said.

Rylee wasn’t exactly an exhibitionist when it came to sex, but she had been wilder than she could have previously imagined. It had been triggered by meeting Gage, like unleashing an animal she had hidden in the cage of her body and heart.

She told herself to go with the flow, and for once, that seemed like enough for her. She had lived a cautious, pristine life, and where had that taken her? Only into streams of anxiety and self-doubt. She had to be daring more often to get what she truly desired and deserved.

She walked slowly into the center of the circle, Gage never letting go of her hand. When they reached the middle, the circle closed around them. Gage’s eyes were scorching, the flames of the torches reflecting in his tantalizing glare. Rylee felt something twitch between her legs.