Page 55 of Fur the Night

“I love you,” Gage said, lifting a hand to touch her lips. “More than you will ever know. But I promise I will show you. I will be the man who will show you.”

Rylee pulled him in close, smiling as they kissed passionately. Her well was never empty for him, and she knew it would overflow for the rest of her life.



The day had come for Gage to finally meet his child. Rylee had slowly grown a perfectly globe-shaped belly that Gage touched, kissed, and leaned against while they lay together at night. It was magical and surreal, the way their love had manifested into a baby, one who would only grow more with their love.

Gage never thought in his entire existence that he would ever be a father. It was something that was meant for other people. It was a fantasy.

But as he sat in the hospital room, knowing that just outside in the waiting room were Draco, Leo, Talon, Cassie, Maeve, and Sydney, it had all become potently real.

She was a few weeks early but started having contractions in the middle of the night on Saturday. She awoke Gage with cries of agony, holding tightly onto his shoulder. He woke up startled, having a brief flash of his time overseas, then pulled his wife in close.

“I think it's coming,” she said through gritted teeth.

She cringed harder, her nails digging into his bare skin. Even for a non-shifter, her grip was strong.

“Okay, babe,” Gage said, launching himself from the bed. “Let’s get going.”

Rylee shook her head as Gage opened up their closet, grabbing the pre-packed to-go bag. He whipped his head toward her, sensing her hesitation without a word.

“It’s just a brief contraction,” she said, breathing long out of her mouth. “We have to wait until they are a few minutes apart.”

Gage tossed the bag onto the bed and then began pulling on jeans and a T-shirt. He raised an eyebrow at her as he fastened his belt.

“Honey,” Gage said. “I’m not going to wait until you are in utter anguish to take you to the hospital. The earlier we are there, the better.”

Rylee was grinning, sweat blossoming on her forehead. Gage knew her well enough to see that she was repressing a bit of the true discomfort she was feeling. She was the strongest woman he'd ever known, but he never wanted her to hide her pain.

“I’m stronger than I look, you know,” Rylee said, straining through another contraction.

Gage raced over to her side and then took her hand. He helped her stand as she breathed slowly out of her mouth.

“I know that, darling,” Gage said, grinning slightly. “You are stronger than any fucking shifter I’ve ever met.”

Rylee let out a chuckle as she stepped delicately toward the closet. Gage removed the pre-planned clothing nestled at the top of the shelves and then began helping her remove her pajamas.

Despite his anxiety, Gage felt the moment was beyond beautiful. Her distress blended with her vulnerability as he removed the soft fabric over her head, making his throat get a lump of tears within it. It wasn’t grief, for once, but a celebration of the beauty of the love they had forged as one.

Rylee gave into him easily. She raised her arms over her head and let him place a loose T-shirt over her and aide her in stepping into a comfortable set of sweatpants. She cringed, moving through the contractions with ease, looking as stunning as ever in her authentic state.

When she had dressed, Gage reached out, taking her face in his hands for a brief moment. She looked at him, sweaty and tired but still smiling.

“I love you beyond any words I can find,” Gage whispered.

Rylee felt a contraction at the same moment, distorting her face into a feverish cry. Gage felt his heart pick up the pace, immediately grabbing the bag and heading for the door.

He drove frantically, gazing into the backseat now and then to see his wife’s quiet aches. He felt protective of her, hating the pain she was in, but he knew she could get through it. She wanted the baby with him, so all he had to do was trust her.

Gage sped into the hospital, and the nurses took her in immediately. They had pre-booked a private room for her to give birth in and to rest after, so he was comfortable with that. He called the boys and their mates, and they all came down within the first half-hour. They all brought coffee and snacks to sit in the waiting room of the labor section of the hospital.

Gage sat by Rylee’s side while her contractions grew more and more intense, her torment bringing her tears. Gage’s bear was growling, whimpering with rage while watching her hurt so badly. She squeezed his hand so hard as she cringed that he thought some of his bones would snap.

She looked at him at some point in between contractions and smiled, sweat coating her face in a shiny gleam.

“I’m okay, baby,” she said softly. “I am going to be fine as soon as we meet our child.”