“No, but it appears you are, and if that’s the case, I’m going with you. I’ll come home occasionally to do what’s needed of me. We can get a fifth wheel camper. It’s not like we can’t do things remotely.” She puts her hands on her hips.

“What do you mean, I’m leaving. Laney, I’m not going anywhere.”

“The letter on your counter, it was there when I stopped by earlier. I was going to surprise you. That’s a lot of money. It’d be silly not to take it,” she admits, and I wonder what the hell she’s fucking talking about.

“What letter?” Mail comes in so much that half the time I open it but don’t look at it. When you work out of town for as long as I did, you learn to set up auto bill pay.

“Are you kidding me right now? Creed Montgomery, don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.” She stomps her foot for added measure.

“No fucking idea, but if it means you’re willing to pack your bags and come with me to this make-believe place, I’m game.” I bridge the gap between us, not liking that we aren’t near and I’m not touching her.

“There was a letter on your counter. It was an offer for you to work, but you’d be gone for a damn year at a time, then you could re-up for six months a time after that. I can’t believe you didn’t read it.” My hands grasp the sides of her hips. Laney’s forehead moves to my chest, right where my heart is beating for her.

“Sugar, I get so much mail, half the time I open it and it’s either junk mail, or I know you’re coming over and my brain thinks about one thing.” She snorts, thinking it’s my cock no less, which in some parts it is, but this time it’s not.

“Oh, I’m sure.” She lifts her head.

“Not that way, crazy girl. I’m not going anywhere, and for the record, I wouldn’t do that to us. I’d talk it out with you, and it’d have to be the good for our future, not just mine, okay?” Though, I’m not gonna lie, if she packed her bags to move in with me, I’d be over the moon. I know that won’t happen, not until she has a ring on her finger and her name is tied to mine.

“Okay, um, I kind of went a little crazy. There was no way I was going to watch you leave. Guess I should go put my clothes back and meet you at your place.” I hate like hell we’ve wasted an hour on this, but it’s clear shit needed to be talked out.

“You do that, and we’ll restart our day, just like we promised one another. You picking up what I’m putting down, sugar?” The sooner she answers my question, the sooner she’ll get my mouth on hers.

“Loud and clear, Creed.” She goes to the tips of her toes, taking over and kissing me. Fuck, this woman. One taste of her, and I almost forget my surroundings. If we weren’t in her parents’ house, she’d be naked, writhing against me.

“Damn it, sugar. You have me losing my mind. Go put your stuff away. Then get your fine ass to my place, okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. Thank you for putting up with me.” She kisses the underside of my jaw.

“Always, sugar, never doubt that.” I kiss the tip of her nose, smack her ass. She turns around, and I watch the entire time she walks back upstairs. This woman, I’ll always do anything to make sure she knows we’re on solid ground, no matter what she throws my way. She and I are rock-fucking-solid.



Six Weeks Later

“Sugar, when are you going to admit that you’re pregnant?” Creed’s words come out of left field. We’re chest to chest, my head in the crook of his neck, his cock is still inside me, hard at thought. Two hearts beating as one, breathless, and totally in love with one another. This is after he let me ride him. It was slow and steady, the buildup that I love with the way Creed likes when I grind down on him, tightening my core. It almost had him coming sooner than either of us would have liked. It’s a rare occasion that I get to be on top. Sure, we’ll start with me riding him, but that usually doesn’t last, until today, and it’s probably because he decided to tell me what was up with my biological clock.

“What? I think I’d know my body enough to know if I’m pregnant or not, Creed.” I lift up. Our once sweat-slickened but now cooled down skin is causing me to shiver.

“Laney, I love you like the dickens, but you’re pregnant. You haven’t noticed how much bigger these have gotten?” Creed cups my breasts in his hands, causing my pussy to clench down on his cock.