Page 25 of What's Your Price

“Wow. This is moving really fast.”

“I’m trying to take care of you.”

“It’s all new to me.” She took a deep breath. “Don’t you want to shower?”

“You’ve got to come with me.”


“I don’t want you running.”

“Oh, come on. You think I’m going to run?”

He folded his arms.

“This is ridiculous.”

“I don’t know if it is or not. I need you to come with me.”

“This is turning into the strangest week of my life,” she said.

“You should have taken the vacation.”

She burst out laughing, already several steps ahead of him. He admired the curves of her ass.

“Wait. Was there anyone else killed?” she asked.

“No. There were no other casualties. I lost a guy, and the mafia, all of their men died.” He watched her, waiting for her to break. She didn’t.

“And you didn’t get hurt?”

“I’m safe and sound, babe. Did you think they could get me that easily?”

“Gabe, there were guns and lots of shots.”

“I only cared about getting you to safety.”

“I’m safe.”

“That’s all that matters.”

She stepped into the bathroom and went to the shower, turning it on.

He unbuttoned his shirt and stripped out of the rest of his clothes. Once naked, he stepped into the water, his gaze staying focused on her. The water in the shower basin turned red as it trickled down the drain.

“Do you want to come in?” he asked once the water ran clear.

She didn’t say anything but removed her clothes. He held his hand out and she took it, stepping beneath the spray.

He pulled her close and slammed his lips down on hers. She wrapped her arms around him.

“I hope you don’t regret this.”

“I won’t. I don’t make decisions I regret.” He sank his fingers into her hair. “I can’t promise you sweetness and romance.”

“I don’t care what you can offer. All I want is you.” She silenced anything else he was going to say with a kiss.

He ran his hands down to her ass to hold her close. She’d sealed her fate with him. He wasn’t ever going to let her go.

Chapter Eight

“I worry about you,” Charlotte said.

“There’s nothing to worry about. I promise. You know me. I can take care of myself.” Laura smiled at the older woman. She’d been living with Gabe for three weeks. On several occasions, he’d tried to get her to quit both of her jobs, but she refused.

Charlotte turned toward her. “I think Gabe is a bad man. He does a lot of bad things. I’ve heard the rumors. Seen the news. I know what I’m talking about.”

“You think I should break it off?” She refused to tell Charlotte about the warning Gabe had given her. It was intense to even think about.

“That’s the thing, Laura. He’s all of these things, and yet he has men staying to protect you. That means something. If he cares about you, then I’m happy for you.”

Laura paused. “That doesn’t actually answer my question.”

“Some things are not about being good or bad. You can have bad men do good things, just as you can have good men do bad things. My opinion, when it comes to Gabe, how does he make you feel?”