Page 5 of What's Your Price

She wasn’t going to be waiting all night.

Squaring her shoulders, she walked up to the guard controlling the line and smiled at him.

“I need to see Gabe Moore,” she said. She wore a jacket that she tightened at her waist.

He glanced up and down at her and shook his head. “You need to go to the back of the line.”

Licking her lips, she looked past his shoulder and caught sight of one of the men who’d been by Gabe’s side during their only date. He watched her. Had he been waiting for her?

Unbolting her coat, she let the jacket spill down to the ground where she left it. She removed the pin from her hair, allowing her long brown hair to fall all around. Stepping up to the guard, she put a hand on his chest. “How about you and I go someplace?”

The man changed instantly. His hand went to her ass.

She counted in her head. One, two, three…

The hand was tugged off her ass and her arm was grabbed. Bingo. Gabe had been watching, just as she knew he would be, or one of his minions was. Within seconds, she was inside his nightclub. One she’d never frequented but had heard a lot about. She didn’t get to stay long as she was tugged toward doors guarded by two men. From there, she was walked up a flight of stairs. Then she waited as the man holding her arm knocked on the door.


She waited.

“Come in.”

The man pulled her into the office.

“She was outside attempting to lure Ben to spend some time with her.”

Laura raised her brow but didn’t dispute it. She would’ve used whatever means she could to get inside this stupid building to see the man himself.

And there he stood like a king looking over his minions. The dance floor was in full display, but there was no sound coming into the office. The music had been loud.

“That will be all, Felipe,” Gabe said.

The man who’d grabbed her left without a single response. She didn’t bother to look back but stared at the man who was in her shit books.

“Hello, Laura.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Excuse me.”

“The gifts. The jewelry. I can understand all of them. Little trinkets in an attempt to buy me off.”

“All of which you didn’t accept.”

“I have no reason to,” she said. “My work. My home. Make your calls. I want my job back. Now.” She took a step toward him as he rounded his desk and leaned against it. His arms were folded, and she hated that he looked amused by this meeting.

“You haven’t mentioned your social media page.”

His lips pressed against her neck. His teeth scored against her flesh and she moaned. “What do I get out of it?”

“You’re used to taking what you want or women bending to your need. I don’t need pointless gifts, nor do I need my livelihood taken from me. You want to fuck me, just ask.”

“What about if I take?” He pressed a hand between her thighs.

The grip he had on the back of her neck kept her still. He groaned. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

She spread her legs so he didn’t have any obstruction. The panties she wore were torn from her body within a matter of seconds.