Page 15 of Ever with Hades

Not when you’re the reason they’re kneeling, Hades thought. He said finally, “Stand up, milady.” He offered his hand to assist her, but she had already gotten to her feet. He waved a hand to his sentries and the other immortals, and the rest stood up as well.

He addressed the crowd, saying politely, “I would appreciate a moment of privacy with my brothers, if you please.” Although it was phrased as a request, everyone knew they didn’t really have much of a choice where an Olympian was concerned.

Recognizing that they had also been given their orders, Thanatos and Hypnos did quick work at ushering the guests back inside before pulling the doors of the balcony shut. The two then took position next to the doors, ensuring that the Olympians and their prophesied queen would not be disturbed.

“Do you really think it’s her?” Hypnos could not help but ask his companion.

The winged demon took his time replying, and when he did his voice was carefully neutral. “Unless it has been proven otherwise, I shall treat her as our prophesied queen.”

Hades and Persephone

The night of the long-awaited ball had finally come, and the queen of the Underworld could not contain her excitement as she and her husband galloped throughout the kingdom to survey ongoing preparations. The pathway to the lord’s castle, which had always been shrouded in darkness and made treacherous by both living and magical obstacles, was now ablaze with light and cleared of all dangers.

Hades reined his stallion to a stop upon reaching the cavernous entrance to the kingdom. Jumping off, he took hold of his queen’s slender waist before swinging her down. Once, this would have made her gasp or giggle but now, Persephone didn’t even say a word and immediately left his arms as soon as her feet touched the ground.

Picking up her skirts, she ran here and there, inspecting every little detail, her face a picture of intense concentration.

“There are not enough asphodels here,” Hades heard her fret. Asphodels were glowing white flowers that could only be found in the Underworld, and its rarity had led to immortals treating them as prized collections.

Tonight, the blooms would serve as welcome gifts for the queen’s esteemed guests, the flowers stringed together to form wreaths. Prepared in advance, the wreaths were laid out on a floating table, and after a cursory glance, Hades walked to where his queen was, asking quietly, “Are you sure you still need more? There seems to be enough.”

Persephone wringed her hands anxiously, saying, “Enough isn’t enough, Your Majesty. There must be more than enough. I would be so embarrassed if a guest were to come and find out that we’ve run out of wreaths. They would think we’re being selfish or worse—-” She lifted worried eyes to his. “They would think you are unsupportive of my endeavors—-” Persephone bit her lip. “I do not want them to think that, Hades. I want them to see for themselves that you are not the big, bad, scary monster the legends make them think you are.”

With her gaze swimming with tears, Hades was unable to deny his queen’s request and he said finally, “It shall be as you will then.”

He issued a command to one of the retainers and when he was done, Persephone threw her arms around his neck, her face lit with joy. “Thank you, thank you, oh you don’t know how excited I am. I know this shall be the most wonderful night of my life.”

Pulling away, she stepped back, saying teasingly, “But first, I must know. Do you think my dress wonderful?” She twirled around for effect, loving the way the voluminous skirts, which were spun from gold thread, played around her legs.

“It makes you even more becoming, my queen.” But was the gown worth risking antagonizing the goddess of wisdom?

In his last visit to Mt. Olympus, he had been stunned to have Athena giving him the cold shoulder. As they shared many similarities, there had never been a quarrel between them, and as such he had not hesitated to ask what was troubling to her.

At his question, Athena had looked at him with narrowed silver eyes before saying finally, “You do not know then.”

“Know what?”

“Your wife has approached Lady Arachne.”

Hades had been surprised. “Arachne? The brainless chit who has been boasting about her skills in needlework and her supposed superiority over you?”

“Yes,” Athena had answered dryly, “and apparently, your wife believes it.”

Hades had swiftly apologized on behalf of his queen and tried to excuse it as folly caused by her youth.

“I shall overlook it because of you, but Hades – we both have been young once, and even then we knew the difference between right and wrong, did we not?”

The memory made Hades grim, but he deliberately pushed the thought aside. Athena was only being her usual pessimistic self, he thought. Focusing on his queen, he told her with a smile, “You will make me the envy of many men tonight.”