Page 17 of Ever with Hades

But since he was not—-

He swept his gaze over her one more time, starting from her feet and all the way up—-

When he deliberately let his gaze linger on her breasts, the girl’s chest began to rise and fall rapidly. That was good. He wanted her aware of him, as his future queen should be. He knew he was being reckless, but what was there to lose? She was human and he was the god of the Underworld. If he wanted her dead, he only had to snap her fingers and she would be.

The girl crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re not supposed to stare at me like that.”

He only smiled, drawling, “Is that so?” He was beginning to enjoy how unpredictable she was, and more and more he was warming to the idea of making her his prophesied queen – even if she might not be it.

She was delectably beddable, Hades thought, and that was always important. But even more pertinent was the fact that a young human such as her would most likely be biddable and moldable as well.

With this girl, he could turn everything around again.

Everything would be normal.

Everyone could also stop pretending they did not see him as broken – and maybe then, Hades, too, would stop seeing himself as broken as well.

Hades looked at Apollo, and switching to their ancient tongue, he asked abruptly, “Do you sense her speaking of any untruth?” Apollo’s powers were like a double-edged sword. While it prevented people from lying to the god of truth, it also prevented Apollo from uttering anything but the truth.

“No.” To Hades’ surprise, Apollo had chosen to speak in English, and when the girl swung around to face the other Olympian, Apollo murmured, “She has been speaking the truth from the start.”

The girl gasped, and her tone was filled with wonder as she said, “You are Apollo.”

Jealousy struck Hades like a bolt that came from nowhere, leaving him disconcerted. How was it that he had only known her for mere moments and already he considered her his property?

“You are, aren’t you?” The girl was gazing at Apollo like he were a god, and granted that was true but even so – Hades didn’t like it one damn bit.

Other gods, even the lesser ones, would have considered her straightforwardness an impertinence but since Apollo was most used to spending time in human company, the golden-haired Olympian only smiled, saying courteously, “Yes, milady, I am.”

“Bloody, bloody—-” The girl started jumping again. “I can’t believe you’re really Apollo, the god of truth and light!”

Apollo grinned. “Yes.” He found himself quite charmed at the girl’s excitement and for one moment he experienced a pang of regret that this girl could indeed be the god of the Underworld’s prophesied queen.

“But what about me, milady,” Hermes interrupted in an injured tone.

The girl was staring at Hermes’ sandals. “Bloody, bloody—-”

Hermes and Apollo laughed out loud when the girl started jumping again.

“You’re Hermes! Hermes! Hermes!”

It had been a long time since Hermes had witnessed such genuine excitement in reaction to his identity and he began to regret that this girl could indeed belong to Hades.

Then again, ‘could’ was the operative word.

The same thought occurred to the two Olympians at the same time, and their gazes turned shrewd and calculating as they studied the girl anew.

Bristling at the gleam of interest in the other gods’ eyes, Hades reached for the girl, his fingers closing around her tiny wrist. She gasped at his touch, but he didn’t let go and instead yanked her towards him.

Apollo and Hermes could not stop themselves from grinning. They had never seen the god of the Underworld make such a blatant claim on any woman before, not even with Persephone – and that was a good thing.

Hades tipped her chin up, and when her blue eyes clashed with his, he murmured silkily, “Since you have correctly guessed their identities, then I suppose you should know who I am as well?”

She didn’t answer.

“Amazing.” Hermes began to chuckle. “She doesn’t seem to know who you are, milord.”

“Of course she knows who I am,” Hades snapped even though he wasn’t actually quite sure if she did. He ran his knuckles against her cheek and his irritation was partially mollified by the way she so sweetly trembled in his arms. “You know who I am, don’t you, my beauty?”

Apollo smirked. The god of the Underworld, who was one of the most private gods in history, was actually seducing the girl in front of them.

“Say my name, milady.” Hades lowered his head. “Say my name or—-”

She suddenly tried shoving him away, and although it was like a butterfly trying to make a tower topple, Hades let go of her, stunned at her inexplicable show of resistance.

Hermes shook his head, murmuring in their language, “This is shaping up to be one of the most entertaining times I have had in recent centuries.”