Page 24 of Ever with Hades

He knew that, but even, so it did not prepare him for the horrors that awaited Hades upon leaving his castle.

Underworld’s beauty had not been spoiled by Persephone’s ball, but its heart had been trampled upon. All around Hades, he could only see unspeakable anguish, with his people reduced into slaves and pets subjected to the vilely capricious whims of the queen’s guests.

Rage nearly blinding him, the god of the Underworld summoned for the winds, and they raged across the kingdom. Windows exploded and the guests began to scream and rush out of the castle.

Rising to the air, he appeared in front of the stampeding crowd, hissing, “If I ever see any of your faces again, you will suffer a fate far worse than death.”

Cries of horror rose from the queen’s guests as they fought among each other for the chance to flee.

Hades then turned to his subjects. “Once the silver sun touches the sky, you have my permission to devour anyone who remains on our land.”


The queen’s words destroyed the bleak solitude Hades had isolated himself in, and he turned away from the sight of his kingdom to face Persephone.

When he didn’t say anything, Persephone said bitterly, “You really are cruel just like they say you are.” She began to cry, and the sound of her sobs made the god of the Underworld clench his fists, knowing he was the cause of her tears. Even now, despite knowing her faults, he still loved her. It broke his heart to see her in such a state, but he also knew he could and would not regret what he had done.

At her continued sobs, Hades said tiredly, “There is nothing for me to say.”

Persephone’s head jerked up at the words. “How can you think there is nothing for you to say when you have taken away my pride?” she demanded shrilly. “I will never ever be able to show my face to anyone again. You have turned your own queen into a pariah!”

Hades didn’t answer, knowing that perhaps in the eyes of one so young, his actions had been as cruel and humiliating as his queen thought they were.

“Say something!”

His temper flared, and Hades snapped, “Tell me then.” His eyes blazing with fury, he gritted out, “Tell me how you could have done such a thing to them. Tell me!” He wanted to say much more, to accuse her the way she had accused him, but Hades managed to swallow the rest of his words, knowing how it would only make his queen shed more tears.

Guilt stung the queen’s conscience, and a part of her heart shriveled at the disenchantment she glimpsed on her husband’s face. But even so, vanity and pride had her lifting her chin and muttering defensively, “I do not see anything wrong in what happened. It was all done in the spirit of fun—-”

Hades let out a hiss of disbelief. “Fun?”

Flinching at the revulsion on her husband’s face, Persephone momentarily faltered, unused to being treated thus.

“They are our people, Persephone. Our people! There is nothing the least bit fun,” Hades gritted out, “about having our subjects turned into a goddamn freak show—-”

“They are our subjects,” Persephone screamed, “and I am your wife! You must take my side!”

“Not when you are wrong,” Hades roared.

In a fit of fury, she jumped out of the bed and grabbing the first object she could get her hands on, she threw a priceless vase at her husband. “How dare you treat me this way? How dare you?”

She threw everything she could reach at him, but the god only had to wave his hand in the air for his powers to deflect them, and her rage took on a venomous and vengeful turn.

“You promised me they were mine to command,” she hissed, “and they know it.”

Hades whitened.

“So if there’s anyone to blame for this—-” She looked at him straight in the eyes. “It is you.”

She walked away, leaving the god of the Underworld broken because both of them knew she had spoken the truth.

Chapter Six

“Welcome to my humble abode,” the god of the Underworld murmured with a rakish smile as he helped her off his stallion.

She could only smile weakly and clung to his hold, Ever still mentally reeling at being ‘introduced’ to Hades’ subjects.

And that was such an understatement, Ever thought with an inward wince. What actually took place was more like a parade that was even grander than what she saw on TV. And there had even been fireworks, only they were nothing like those on Fourth of July because these had been entirely made of magic, with the rainbow array of sparkles faithfully following the movements of Hades’ hands in the air.

It was mesmerizing to say the least, but such wonders paled in significance as she found herself actually smiling and shaking hands with creatures she had only once read about. Ever would have happily reminisced about those moments for the rest of the day, but when they entered Hades’ castle, she forgot all about it and found herself gaping.