Page 26 of Ever with Hades

Hades was puzzled. “Three?”

She shook her head. “N-nothing.” Wriggling out of his hold, she turned to Hecate, saying brightly, “I’m ready anytime you are.”

“Then please follow me, milady.”

Ever was about to take a step forward when someone suddenly captured her wrist and yanked her back. She tumbled into Hades’ chest with a gasp, and when she looked up, he was grinning.

“Why are you counting our kisses?”

“Not telling.” Her lips pursed in a now-familiar picture of stubbornness.

Hades smirked. “Well, even if you don’t, I already do.” He bent his head.

She stiffened.

But it was even worse than she feared.

The god’s arm curved around her waist before pulling her even closer to him, and as she opened her mouth to protest, she felt his mouth touch the side of her neck. A moment later, Hades began to suck on the tender skin, and Ever froze.

Bloody hell, how could he do this when they were not alone?

Her eyes squeezed shut, Ever not wanting anyone to see the way the god’s mouth on her skin was making her feel lightheaded with need.

When he finally lifted his head, she collapsed against him, and Hades chuckled. He whispered to her ear, “You do not have to count, milady. This is not a dream, and my kisses are yours forever.”

He waited for her to squirm or squeal in embarrassment, but again she surprised him with her reaction, which was—-

A grunt.

The sound made even Hecate blink, and seeing it, he said lazily, “Be at ease, demigoddess. It is only the prophesied queen’s way of expressing her embarrassment.”

“I see.” Hecate looked at her charge. “How interesting.”

Taking hold of Ever’s hand, he brought it to his lips, murmuring, “I will see you later.”

“Promise?” she asked in a small voice.

“I promise.”

Hades and Thanatos watched the two women walk away. When they were alone, Thanatos murmured, “Has she passed the test then?”

Hades’ face became expressionless once more. “If you are speaking of the way I had her meet the people of this kingdom, then I suppose it is a test. I also had to do it, to ensure she is the right choice for the Underworld.”

“I’d like to believe you, milord, but I have a feeling you’re lying to yourself. It seems to me that the test was for your benefit.”

Hades didn’t answer.

“Do you not trust her, milord?”

“How can I,” he said under her breath, “after all my mistakes in the past?”

She couldn’t help smiling, knowing that the fact that Hades had to ask such a question was proof of how used he was to such luxuries. Her “chamber,” which was really more like a suite of rooms, was as large as an NBA-regulated basketball court. All of the furniture was twice as big as what was usual, and everything that could be either plated in gold or studded with diamonds was.

And that included every handle for every door and tap, she thought wryly. Seeing that Hades was still waiting for an answer, she told him helplessly, “It’s more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“I see.” His voice was vague, Hades having a hard time concentrating on her words as her robe was now fully gaping open, revealing the generous swell of her breasts above her dressing gown.

“Better even than what I’ve seen on...TV?”

The last word caught his attention, and the look in her eyes made his lips twitch. “Yes, milady, I do know what a television is. I even have a Snapchat account.”