Page 40 of Ever with Hades

When his hand stopped at the small of her back, she said tremulously, “I’m sorry.” Biting her lip to stop it from trembling, she said again, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to suffer—-”

“If there’s anyone you should be sorry for,” the god said bitterly, “then it’s for my subjects, to have a king like me.”

Hearing the pain in the god’s voice made her hurt, too, and Ever felt tears sting her eyes. Unable to help it, she turned in his arms, whispering, “It wasn’t your fault, Hades. You have to know that.”

“I am their king,” he said tonelessly. “I should have known they were suffering.”

“You’re not perfect,” she protested, “and I know – I believe – your people don’t expect you to be either.” She raised herself on his chest and, looking straight into his eyes, she said fiercely, “What’s important is that you care for them, and your people know this.”

Hades didn’t answer.

“Don’t be dumb.” The words were out before she could stop herself, and cringing, she stammered, “I mean, obtuse. You can’t be so obtuse to continue thinking that your people blame you for an innocent mistake—-”

“No, milady.” The god’s tone was bland. “You did mean dumb.”

“Stop obsessing over the word,” she muttered. “My point is, even smart people like you can make mistakes.”

“Is that so?”


“And I am truly smart in your eyes?” he asked musingly.

“Of course!”

“Smart enough to know what is right for my people?”


Hades was looking at her with an unreadable expression. “Enough to swear on this?”

“I so solemnly swear—-”

The god’s lips curved in a satisfied smile. “Good.”

In a blink of an eye, the god had suddenly reversed their positions, and Ever was flat on her back while Hades loomed over her.

Bloody hell, she suddenly had a feeling she had fallen for a trap so cunningly laid out that even now, she had no idea what she was in trouble for. She just knew she was.

“As you have sworn to believe in my cognitive abilities—-”

“Now you’re just showing off,” she couldn’t help accusing him.

Hades only smirked, not even bothering to deny the truth. “All the same, you did swear,” he purred, “and so I expect you to agree when I tell you—-”

His mouth brushed against her ear, and she bit back a whimper.

“My people’s rightful queen...”

Her eyes widened.

“Is you.”



He bit her ear. “Remember that you swore, milady, and those who do not stand by their words are severely punished in this kingdom.”

She looked up at him with a scowl. “Stop threatening me.”

“I am not. I’m merely stating a fact—-”

“But Hades.” Her teeth sank painfully into her lower lip. “I’m mortal.”

“Ambrosia will solve that in a second.”

“But the prophecy—-”

“Has been fulfilled,” he finished.

This was going to be a good day, she thought dreamily as she kissed Hades back.

But only an hour later, and she realized she was wrong.

It wasn’t a good day.

It was the best day ever.

After making love, the god took her to the bath and they made love in the water once more. Following that, Hades took her to the morning room, where she nearly had a heart attack upon seeing the goddess of wisdom waiting to take her measurements.