Page 42 of Ever with Hades


Hades loved her.

Ever started to sway.

But he didn’t believe she was the queen the prophecy foretold.

Persephone’s last words echoed in her mind.

The kingdom...the people...all of it will be destroyed if someone else other than the prophesied queen is crowned.

Hades’ revelations of the past had made her think they were lies, but now—-

Ever had the most inexplicable urge to laugh, but she quickly covered her mouth to keep it from coming out.

She remembered that day in the library, remembered how devastated she had been to find the room empty after allowing herself to hope that her life could change—-

Déjà vu, she couldn’t help thinking, and the wild urge to laugh became even stronger.

Below the balcony, she heard Hades and Thanatos begin to discuss the coronation and the guests that had come.

“Does she know all the Olympians are present?” she heard Thanatos ask.

“No.” Ever could almost see the god grinning. “It shall be my engagement gift for her. Once she’s crowned queen, I will ask her to be my wife.”

The tears slowly started to fall as she continued to listen to the two.

Why, God?

I know You have a reason to make me feel this—-

Ever’s tears fell faster.

So please just tell me why.

Hades loved her.

She loved Hades.

But she was not his rightful queen, and because she loved him, she knew she could not let the god risk his kingdom for her.

If he did that, and something happened, she knew he would not be able to forgive himself—-

Why, God?

And she would not be able to forgive herself either for letting Hades take the risk in the first place.

Chapter Eleven

You are Hades, god of the Underworld, an Olympian, and second in power only to Zeus. Hades reminded himself forcefully of these facts, but it didn’t work. A disgusting sense of trepidation continued to gnaw at his insides, and it did not help that all eyes inside the throne room were on him.

Even without looking, he could feel most of the other Olympians grinning and clearly enjoying his discomfort, and Hades’ teeth gnashed. Damn it. He didn’t even know why the hell he was nervous. It wasn’t like he was getting married or anything. This was Ever’s coronation, and so if anyone needed to be nervous—-


He almost stiffened, having recognized the voice. Turning around, he said politely, “Demeter.”

Persephone’s mother inclined her head in acknowledgment, but her tone was wry as she said, “I know you’ve only sent me an invitation out of courtesy.” Unlike her daughter, Demeter was known to call a spade a spade.

He transported himself to her chamber, and the moment he saw where she was, Hades roared, “No!”

She looked at him, crying, her lips forming two words.

I’m sorry.

And just like that, the room was empty, leaving not a single trace of her existence.

He blasted the bedside drawer open, knowing that it was where she kept the crystal key, but nothing fell out of it.