Page 49 of Ever with Hades

"Alleged mass murderer," Hades corrected his wife, "and we can talk more about Eros' problems tomorrow. Right now, however..."

Ever let out a gasp as her husband suddenly scooped her up in his arms.

"Tis time you concentrated on the most important man of your life."

A laugh escaped her, and Ever wrapped her arms around his neck in an impulsive hug as they entered their bedroom. "Thank you, milord."

Hades laid her down on their bed before looking at her questioningly. "What are you thanking me for?"

"For making every day perfect."

A wicked grin curved over his lips. "How thankful?"

Ever's brows furrowed. "Very thankful?"

"Enough to do anything I ask of you?"

"Well, of...course..." The god of the Underworld had turned Ever on her back while she was still speaking, and although she didn’t protest, she couldn’t help asking in a bemused tone, “What are you doing?”

Instead of answering her, Hades ran a hand over her side—-

Oh no.

And then she was naked.

“H-Hades?” She felt him press against her, and of course he was naked as well.

He started playing with her breasts from behind while rubbing his cock against her bottom, and just like that, she felt herself slowly getting wet.

“Hades.” This time, his name came out in a moan.

He reached around her, and she whimpered as she felt him begin to fist her.


Her hips started to move aggressively, wanting more and more of his possession.

Behind her, she felt him position himself and then—-

Ever stiffened. “H-Hades?”

“Relax,” he purred.

“I can’t,” she wailed. “You’re scaring me.”

“Don’t be.” His cock nudged against her other hole, and she whimpered. “Everything I do is to please you.”

A pause.

“And now, for you to properly show how thankful you are...”

She gulped.

“Do you remember the key that you lost?”

She was momentarily distracted. “I didn’t lose it. The key disappeared.”

His lips twitched. “Fine then. It disappeared. But do you at least remember what kind of key it was?"

Ever frowned. "Of course I remember. It was made of crystal, with a heart-shaped head. It also functioned like a skeleton key—-"

"Exactly, milady. A skeleton key."

She twisted her head around to look at him, asking in confusion, "What is this about, truly?"

"If you are truly thankful as you say," Hades said with sham solemnity, "then I wish for you to give me your skeleton key."

"But I don't have—-"

Ever's voice broke off when Hades' cock suddenly slid into her nether hole, and as she bucked against his body with a gasp, the god whispered to her ear, “When a woman gives a man her skeleton key, it means he’s been able to possess every orifice of her body.”

Bloody, bloody, bloody—-

The three cocks inside of her began to move.

Ever’s eyes rolled back in delirious ecstasy.

Only Hades...

The End

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