She lifts her head up and meets my eyes. “Yes, I want you to touch me and make me feel good.”

I nod. She’s biting her lip again, something I’m realizing she does when she’s nervous. When she lays her head back down, I put my thumb along the wet center of her panties. I stroke back and forth, gathering more moisture onto the already sodden material. Her whole body is pulled taut.

I slide her panties to the side, and she’s all pink and glistening. I would give anything to put my mouth there and taste her. But I don’t. I promised her with my hand only, and that’s what I’ll do. But I sure as hell will be licking my fingers after.

I separate her and stroke one thick finger through her wet, swollen folds. Her hips rise, and she whimpers. “You’re already close, aren’t you, Gracie?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t know... I think.”

I keep sliding my finger back and forth, and then paint her swollen clit with her desire. One touch on her nub, and she’s already about to burst with pleasure. “Have you ever touched yourself, baby?”

She nods. “Yes, but not like this... I’ve never... I can’t.”

She’s puffing out answers, but I’m able to make sense of it all. “You’ve never come before?”

She grunts, shaking her head again. She’s so close. I slowly enter her, only knuckle deep, and pump a few times. I circle her clit, then rub back and forth over and over, increasing the pressure until her hips are so far off the table she has nowhere to go. She reaches down and grabs my wrist, but I don’t release her or lighten my strokes. “Do you want me to stop?” I ask her. Sweat is pouring down my face. My cock is hard, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to come with her, but I don’t care. Nothing matters now except for me giving Gracie her first orgasm.

“No. Don’t stop.”

I smile at her strangled command. “Come for me, Gracie. Let go, baby.”

And that’s it; she does exactly that. Her hips buck, but I keep stroking her. I want this to be everything for her and for her to never forget it. I want her to come to me when she needs her release. Only me.

She rides my hand, grunting and whimpering. I grunt with her, because my cock has a mind of its own and had to get in on the action too. I come in my jeans watching her orgasm. And when her hips fall to the table, I finally let her go.

She’s limp on the chair. Her essence has filled the room, and I know I have to taste her. She lifts her hooded eyes, and when her gaze meets mine, I lift my fingers to my mouth, tasting her for the first time.



I’m still lying here with my arm over my head, thinking. Aiden disappeared into the other room and came back shortly later with jogging pants on instead of the jeans from earlier. I couldn’t help but notice when he first walked in, the way his pants were snug, outlining his manhood. He instantly caught me, and I should have known he would. “Eyes up here, Gracie. Or we’ll never get this tattoo done.”

I blushed to the roots of my hair and put my arm over my head again. And this is where I’ve stayed. Besides answering a few questions, I’ve lain just like this while Aiden tattooed me. It was uncomfortable at first, but nothing too bad. Plus, I can’t think about that. All I can think about is what I let Aiden do. I believed him when he said he’d never done that to a client before. Maybe I’m just gullible, or maybe I wanted to believe him, I don’t know. But I’ll never regret what just happened. All my life I wanted to feel freedom, and I got my very first taste of it at the hands of Aiden Savage.

It seems like no time at all passes when he’s telling me he’s finished. He blots my skin, putting a thin layer of goo over it. He picks up a mirror off the counter and holds it, angling it so I can see the artwork. My hands go to my mouth. “It’s perfect, Aiden. I love it.”

He nods. “Well, it’s perfect because your design is perfect. Can I take a picture?”

“To put in the book?” I ask him, worried that somehow my dad will find out.

“No, this is for my eyes only.”

I nod, and he takes his phone and takes a picture. He goes over the care instructions and hands me a piece of paper that I fold up and clench onto.

Looking at my watch, I realize I have twenty minutes to get home before my father does. I jump off the bed, lowering my dress in the process. “I have to go.... my father.”