Dad Bod (Under Construction 1)

author: Silla Webb
genres: Romance |
series: Under Construction |

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Dad Bod (Under Construction 1)

Have you ever loved something so much you’d do anything to protect it?

Keep it safe, no matter the expense to yourself? No matter how miserable it makes you? Yeah, we all have. Some folks feel the need to protect their loved ones—I feel the need to protect my six-pack.

And my washboard has been well protected beneath sixty pounds of hardened man chub, but my sexy abs are about to make a comeback.

I do it alright, even sign up for a trainer at the gym.

This dude is just what I need to get back on track. He’ll give me the brutal drill sergeant attitude I need to kick my ass in line. It’s gonna be freakin’ awesome.

Imagine my shock and shrinking manhood when Jordan Williams walks in. A five-feet-six inch chick with more curves than a back road and just the right amount of sass and sweet. She’s bold as brass and tough as nails, and I’m completely screwed.

She encourages me to set three milestones for my weight loss, a way to reward myself for the pounds shed. One is getting back on the dating scene. It’s not what I expect, but I have a hard time saying no to her. I’m not only losing my dad bod but my man card too.

All it takes is two disastrous dates and several awkward situations for me to realize who I really want to show all my tools to is right in front of me. Busting my ass in the gym every day.

Maybe I should have concentrated just as much on protecting my heart as I have my abs. Jordan is out of my league, and my goal is to get on her level.

Page List
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