Page 62 of Shame (Ruin 3)

I gave him an annoyed look.

“Or maybe I want to get impaled by one of your sharp nails.” He grimaced. “Alright, see ya later!”

He ran off.

And I was tempted to slump against the wall. He was right. I was being ridiculous and jumpy, and it wasn’t his fault I’d left my notebook.

With a huff I vowed to go decaf for the rest of the week and slowly made my way toward the social sciences building.

I made it to class with twenty minutes to spare. When I walked into the room, Tristan was already sitting at the desk reading some brown book. He still hadn’t looked up, so I slowly made my way toward him.

The book appeared to be a journal. It had angry red writing on the pages and a few things crossed out. There were pictures, but I wasn’t close enough to see what they were of.

“Didn’t take you for the type to read your own diary,” I joked.

Tristan swore, dropping the journal to the floor, then bent and picked it up and shoved it into his desk. “You scared the shit out of me!”

“I would apologize, but I kind of like the fact that I caught you unaware and out of control.”

His sexy grin had me wanting to both retreat and maul him.

“Lisa, if you want to see me out of control, all you really need to do is crook your little finger. I’ll be at your mercy in seconds.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“Hell yes, it is.”

“I never back down from challenges.”

“I hoped you’d say that.”

“I could lock the door.”

“I’d really appreciate the door being locked.”

I grinned as he took a step toward me. The room was thick with tension. He held out his hand. I took it.

“Then again, if we leave the door open, there’s always that rush you get when you think about getting caught.”

“You want me to get fired over you?”

“Like they’d fire you.” My smile was so wide it hurt. “My guess is your company donates just as much money as Wes’s does.”

“Ah, and she puts puzzles together well. Damn. I love that smart mouth of yours. The mind’s not so bad either.” He tilted my chin toward him. “But, sadly… now we only have fifteen minutes.” He released me from his hold

and stepped back. “And I would really hate to rush anything that has to do with my mouth on your body.”

I gasped.

“You’re not shocked.” His eyes narrowed. “But I can damn-well tell you’re a bit excited, which, in turn, gets me way too excited if I’m supposed to be talking about sociopaths today.”

I giggled.

He reached into his desk and pulled out an envelope. “Open it after class when you’re by yourself.”

“What’s this?” The envelope wasn’t really heavy, but there was something rattling around in it.

“Guess you’ll find out after class.” He nodded. “Now go find your seat. It seems today you’re so early you can get a head start on pulling out your notebook. I imagine it’s the first time you’ve had that exciting feeling.”