Page 94 of Shame (Ruin 3)


Fifteen minutes later, Wes, Gabe, and Tristan were in my room picking up all the pictures, while I sat quietly on the couch.

I didn’t even feel the warm mug as Tristan forced it into my hands and told me to drink. Shaking, I lifted it to my lips and would have spilled it all over me had he not gripped my hands and helped me.

Feeling like a child, I wanted to lash out and throw the cup at his face, but he was helping — he was trying to help, at least. But his touch just reminded me of what I would never have with him again.

“We called the police, Lisa.” Gabe sat next to me and put his arm on mine. “They’ll be here in a few minutes. We wore gloves to pick up all the pictures, so there should still be prints on them, hopefully. Until then...”

“I’m staying.” I nodded my head, convincing myself and hopefully them as I glanced at each one in turn. “I need to stay. I’m not running away because some bastard is trying to scare me. I’m staying.”

“I’ll stay with her,” Tristan whispered. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

I didn’t argue. I was too tired to argue.

By the time the cops showed up and then left, it was late afternoon. I was starving and exhausted.

I lay down on the couch and listened while everyone talked in hushed tones. Finally the door closed, and it was just me and Tristan. It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room in a whoosh the minute we were alone. I wanted him to kiss me as much as I wanted to push him away for hurting me. It was a toss-up.

Tristan made his way over to the couch and pulled me into his lap. I didn’t say anything; I just let him. The silence was comforting. My eyes fluttered closed, and I didn’t object when his hand caressed my face. Instead, I shifted into it and drifted off.


I never imagined I’d fall for someone so soon after Taylor had ripped me to shreds, but the feelings I had for Tristan were beyond normal. They were… terrifying, and for once, I didn’t turn away. I walked toward the very sun that had the potential to burn me. —Lisa



And I was pissed. The police had nothing, but that was nothing new. They’d been on the case for weeks now, and still had no leads. Wes’s team was doing better than the police department, and it pissed me off that Lisa was in constant danger until we figured more out.

The police

had tried to calm me down, saying ridiculous shit about how stalkers rarely make physical contact.

Right. Tell that to the girl shaking in my arms.

I knew better. I knew the mind of sociopaths. I knew what they were capable of, and, unfortunately, Lisa was doing nothing more than pissing whoever it was off. The minute the victim found a sense of confidence and stopped reacting to the fear, the stalker got braver and braver until contact was made. Half the time, the object of their obsession was only slightly harmed. The other half? My stomach filled with dread.

I refused to let that happen to her.

It was nearing eight at night. I’d let her sleep for a few hours while I mulled over all the possibilities. I needed to somehow convince her to live with me, even if it meant I was going to be near her but never with her. Hell, I’d even give her the entire first floor of the house if she needed space, but I could never live with myself if anything happened to her. I wouldn’t survive it.

She moaned in my lap. Her eyelashes fluttered before opening. “Wh-what time is it?”

“Late,” I said hoarsely. “Want me to order some food?”

She nodded and pushed herself away from my lap. After stretching a bit and driving me crazy, considering I couldn’t stop staring at her, she went into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and decided to stop staring at the door like she was going to open it up and invite me in.

Cursing, I paced the room and quickly put in our order for pizza, extra cheese for her.

When the shower turned off, my ears perked up. Damn, I was pathetic, but I couldn’t help it. She was a part of me now, whether she liked it or not, and I wasn’t going to leave. I was going to grovel, if that’s what it took.

Wrapped in nothing but a towel, she exited the bathroom.

I sucked in a deep breath, my eyes roaming over her body, remembering what she looked like beneath the towel.

A blush rose to her cheeks before she quickly padded into her room and slammed the door.