Page 23 of Ruin (Ruin 1)

“I’m okay, Uncle Jo, I promise. You know you’re the worst parent ever, right?”

He sighed and then chuckled. “Or the best, however you want to look at it.”

“You just told me to do drugs.”

Silence and then, “Don’t tell your grandma.”


“Alright, kiddo.” Our time was almost up, he never talked long. He wasn’t much of a talker, so tonight was kind of a shock. “Go do something stupid.”

“Thanks, Uncle Jo, for talking.”

“It’s what I’m here for.”

I hung up the phone and stared at my door. Do something stupid? Okay, fine. I was

going to do something insane. Before I could change my mind I stormed out of my room and took the next few flights of stairs to Wes’s door.

My heart threatened to beat out of my chest as I knocked on the door once, twice, and then a third time.

“Hold up,” his voice called from inside.

The door swung opened. His smile grew from small to ginormous.

“I’m done with my list.”

“I know, you told me earlier.”

“I made my own.” I lifted my chin in defiance.

“Did you now?” He crossed his arms and chuckled, leaning his large muscled body against the door frame. “And what’s yours say?”

“I can’t tell you.”

His brow furrowed.

“I have to show you.”

“Okay,” he said slowly. His eyes closed just slightly as a sexy grin spread across his face. “So show me.”

Crap. I was sweating. I couldn’t punk out. Uncle Jo wanted crazy? I’d give him crazy. I stood up on my tiptoes and brushed my mouth against Wes’s. I was so nervous that my lips were actually trembling when they touched his, as soon as they made contact, I tried to pull back.

But Wes grabbed my chin between his fingers and pulled my face closer to his. “I have a list too, you know.”

“Do you?” It was hard to breathe with him so close to me.

“Yup.” His lips brushed mine again and I felt his tongue push against the seam of my lips as if trying to break down my defenses, but I knew, the minute I opened up to him, I wouldn’t be able to push him away anymore, and that scared the hell out of me.

“Open.” He nipped at the corner of my mouth. “I won’t hurt you.”

But he already was, every moment spent in his presence was like getting a bucket of cold water thrown on me repeatedly. I didn’t know what to believe or if I could trust him. Could you trust someone so beautiful? So talented? So perfect?

His hands moved from my chin to my shoulders and then ran down my arms causing chills to move across my body.

Wes blew slightly across my mouth. I gasped. And all was lost. He crushed his mouth to mine, his tongue massaging and tasting. I whimpered, he moaned low in his throat as his hands moved around my neck.

Next thing I knew, I was in his room, the door was slammed behind us and his hands were resting at my hips. I rocked toward him, not really knowing what I wanted, but needing to be closer to him.