Page 31 of Ruin (Ruin 1)

“On the second day?” I pushed past him and let myself in.

Gabe raised his hands. “All I know is she said she had homework and she’s in her room. She only had two classes today, both morning ones.”

“Good to know I’m not the only one stalking her,” I grumbled.

At Gabe’s smug grin I clenched my hand into a fist and went to knock on her door. “Kiersten?”

Sniffling. I heard sniffling, and then something dropped. To hell with that. I burst in.

Wow, I really should have waited for her to open the door.

She was naked.

Well, not entirely naked, but it sure as hell looked like it. She was wearing yoga pants and a sports bra. And I was sporting a grin so wide I’m sure I looked possessed.

“Hey!” Gabe called from the hallway. I slammed the door in his face and locked it.

“Oh, I feel safe now,” Kiersten mumbled, rising from the yoga mat. “Seriously, you can’t just barge in on people.”

“I’m so glad I did.” I moved to the bed, scooted back, and leaned against the wall. “Continue.”

She burst out laughing. “No. Not with an audience. I was working out, you pervert.”

“I thought I heard you yelling my name. My mistake.” I shrugged.

“Wow, all the way from the sixth floor huh?”

“What can I say? It’s a gift.”

“Combine super hearing with stalking and you’re a regular psycho.”

My grin grew.

Kiersten jutted out her hip and put her hand on it. “I’m not working out in front of you.”

“Then let’s do it together.”

Her eyes widened in horror.

That was a self-esteem booster if I’d ever seen one. “Not like that. I mean, let’s go running.”

“You run?”

I shook my head and spoke slowly. “I’m a quarterback. Of course I run.”

She blushed and put her hands on her face. “No, I mean, you r

un other than at practice.”

“You never played sports, did you?”

She bared her teeth and shook her head no.

“We don’t just work out in practice. I work out two hours a day on top of practice. Keeps me in shape. You know, gotta keep that eight pack alive somehow.”

“Will I ever live that down?” She sat on the floor and sighed.

“Lamb…” I teased. “Never.”