Page 5 of Ruin (Ruin 1)

“Huh?” He stopped walking and then burst out laughing. “Holy shit, I think I may love you.”

Heart meet stomach.

He kept laughing and pulled me tighter to him. Well, at least my uncle wouldn’t have to worry about paying for college. I was like ten minutes away from being taken. Like in the movie, Taken, only I didn’t have a bad ass dad to come save me. My heart clenched again.

“I’m not going to take advantage of you,” Weston said. “No offense, but you look way too innocent for my tastes, which you agai

n proved when you wrongfully assumed I wanted to help myself into your pants.”

My face erupted in flames.

“Also…” We kept walking. “You’re a freshman. I don’t do freshmen, as in, I don’t date them. Hell, I don’t usually even help them, but you did almost knock me over, and regardless of how much you deny it, you were counting my abs—”

“I wasn’t—”

“You were.” He sighed wistfully. “I watched your mouth move, one, two, three. It’s eight by the way, an eight-pack. I work out a lot.”

“Great,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Aw, Lamb, don’t be embarrassed.” He stopped and released me.


“Pure.” He smiled. “And lost.” Shrugging, he pointed to my dorm. “Like a little lamb.”

“Well, thanks for the walk back to my dorm.” I brushed past him, but he grabbed my wrist.

“Don’t you want to talk to the RA about the ID card?”

“Yeah, I’m going to go get her right now.” I jerked free. “So, thanks for… everything.” I was redefining the meaning of socially awkward.

He licked his full lips and smiled again. “Okay, you go ask her.”

“Okay.” I stumbled backward, almost tripping on my own feet, and made my way up the stairs to the dorm.

Once inside, I could feel him still staring at me.

I turned around.

He was grinning.

I waved.

He waved back.

Seriously? What kind of sick game was this?

Muttering a curse, I read through the different floors and located the RA’s room. Sixth floor. Of course. I went to the stairs and slowly made my way up.

By the time I reached the sixth floor I was ready to forgo the entire ID card in favor of a nap. One of the side effects of my medicine. Sometimes they made me sleepy. Other times I had such vivid dreams it was like starring in Alice in Wonderland

With a groan, I forced my feet to take me to the end of the hall. Room 666. That had to be a joke, right? I knocked twice on the door.

It swung open, revealing my tree… “Weston?”

“Lamb.” He opened his door wider. “How can I help you?”

Chapter Three