Page 55 of Ruin (Ruin 1)

Gabe shot me a glare.

“Eleven.” Lisa sounded proud. “They put him in his own ranking.”

“I’ll probably be president one day.” Gabe gave us both cocky grins and patted himself on the back.

“I don’t know why, but I feel the need to congratulate you on being a whore. Why does that feel wrong?” I tapped my finger against my chin. “Oh right, because it is. One of these days it’s going to catch up with you.”

“Never.” Gabe shook his head. “A player plays by the rules, knows the game plan, knows every possible strategy and execution. Me getting caught would be like Chuck Norris dying in a stunt. Um, it won’t happen. Want to know why? Because he’s bad ass.”

“Did you just compare your sexual prowess to Chuck Norris’s karate skills?” I asked.

“Same thing.” Gabe shrugged.

Shaking my head, I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. “Crap! He’s going to be here! Hurry, hurry! I have to put everything in my bag.”

“Everything?” Gabe glanced around the room. “Are you planning on moving in?”

Lisa’s answer was to smack him on the back of the head. With a growl he jumped to his feet and started piling stuff in my suitcases. I even caught him try to throw my alarm clock in. Seriously?

“Done!” Lisa sat on the suitcase while Gabe zipped.

“I love you guys,” I gushed, pulling them both in for hugs.

Gabe patted my head like I was twelve, and Lisa looked like she was going to cry. You’d think I’d never visited a boy’s house before. Oh wait. Right.

Someone knocked on our door.

Lisa ran out of my room banging her arm against the sofa as she made her way across the living room and finally opened up the door.

“Hey, Lisa.” Wes grinned and handed her a paper turkey. “Made it myself.” He peered around her. “My girlfriend ready?”

And my roommate officially swooned against the door, putting the back of her hand against her forehead. Gabe was going to have to give her CPR.

“Be still my beating heart!” Lisa said in a southern drawl. “Sugar, your man is here and he is fine, fine, fine.”

“Sorry.” Gabe grabbed Lisa by the shoulders and steered her away from Wes. “She forgot to take her meds today.”

“It’s okay.” Wes chuckled and then lifted his eyes. I stared straight back.

Time stilled.

Okay so maybe it didn’t stop, but for some reason my heart started racing as he took purposeful steps towards me.

First his hands braced my hips.

And then his mouth found mine.

And it was my turn to swoon.

Gabe and Lisa both whistled but I didn’t care. I wrapped my arms around Wes’s neck, pulling h

im toward me. Mine. He was mine for two weeks, whatever that meant. Boyfriend.

“My man ready?”

He grinned, kissing my nose. “My freshman ready?”

“Low blow.” I glared.