“What do you think?” I ask, looking to him. He smiles. I’m sure he hates the scar on his face, but I think it enhances just how handsome he is. It’s like a flare of color on an abstract painting that brings the whole thing together.

“You really do have a good eye, Tilly.”

My cheeks prickle. I really have to find a way to stop blushing. But this is nothing compared to that first kiss he gave me or how I felt when he lifted my skirt back in the car. I’m absolutely dripping wet now, and my entire body is tingling.

And if he truly intends to go through with what he said he was going to do next…well, I just don’t know how I’m going to handle myself.

“Come,” Colt says, his voice strong in my ear.Oh, I could right now. “Let’s get you cleaned up and ready.”

I think I understand what he’s alluding to, but I’m not sure, so I just smile and nod and follow along as he takes me upstairs to the bathroom attached to his bedroom.

I still feel so safe with him, but at the same time, I know he’s taking me into unexplored territory as well, and that has me on the verge of shaking. But I can’t be shaking. Not right now. Not with what Colt has in mind for me.

Colt begins to fill the bath and then turns to me, slowly dragging his penetrating gaze up my body. He reaches out and takes the fabric of my skirt between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it gently.

“You’re going to have to take this off, you know?”

It’s a question, but more like a soft command that there’s no escaping. Like I’ve been placed under some kind of trance, I find myself slowly lifting my skirt for him, up and over my knees, then up my thighs, but as I reach my waistline, I simply cannot stop myself from quivering.

That’s when Colt puts his strong, manly hands on me.

He grips my thighs and moves them up, assisting me with exposing myself. “Take a breath, angel. There’s nothing to be afraid of now…other than just how horny you’re making me, and whether or not that might kill me.”

“Stop…” I tell him, looking away. But he takes a hand and forces my gaze back to his as he lifts my skirt all the way up, exposing me fully to him.

“You’re so young, so sexy. I don’t deserve you, Tilly.”

We hold each other’s gaze until he finally moves in with such speed I am sure for a moment he’s going to kiss me again. But he doesn’t. He lifts my blouse up and off, then does the same with my skirt, leaving me standing naked before him.

“Fuck, look at that body,” he growls. “My cock is so fucking hard, Tilly. You have no idea what you do to me.”

My entire body is tingling now. My nipples are stiff, which he can surely see now with me here before him without a single piece of clothing on to hide myself. There’s a sensitivity buzzing between my thighs, and my clitoris is absolutely throbbing, begging for his touch.

I don’t know how I’m going to make it through what he’s about to do to me.

“Into the water, angel.” Even with his voice low, it still carries such strength and commanding force. I feel compelled to obey him and step into the water, which is the perfect temperature.

As I’m getting situated, I see Colt lift a razor and shaving cream from the corner of the tub, and my anticipation grows.

This is really going to happen, isn’t it?

“Spread those legs for me,” he says, his voice carrying the weight of ten men. “And stay nice and still and I won’t hurt you.”

“Y-yes, sir…”

Colt smiles ever so slightly up at me as he squirts shaving cream from the can into his palm and then ever so gently spreads it on across my unshaved mound.

The sensation is like being hit by a bolt of lightning. My clitoris pulses heavily in response, and it takes every ounce of willpower I have not to jump. But I do as I was told and grip the sides of the tub as Colt spreads the rest of the cream and then softly begins to shave me.

“Thatta girl,” he whispers as he works on my most intimate area. “Wow, look at that. So soft…so sexy.”

Seeing his reaction sends a ripple of arousal through me. The bulge has already formed between his strong legs, signaling his lust, and that’s just something I don’t know what to do with.

My breath comes faster, but I hold myself where I am, anchored to the sides of the tub as he continues to lay me bare before him. And once I am, a hot shiver swims through every inch of me. Now there’s nothing between us. My nipples are hard, and I’m so wet I can tell even through the bath water.

I look down and barely even know how to feel. I’ve never even seenmyselfthis way. Colt sure seems to like it, though.

“Perfect, baby,” he says, his voice rough and caring at the same time. He takes one of my hands and lifts me to my feet, helps me from the tub, then dries me and leads me into the bedroom.