Every one of my muscles tenses up, and my jaw drops.

“Fuck, baby.” Colt stops pumping and leaves his cock where it is, buried balls deep. I get the distinct impression he’s trying to keep from coming. “That’ssohot.”

My orgasm rocks me. Even if I wanted to try and control it, suppress it in some way, it would be impossible. It feels so good it almost hurts. I feel it straight down into my core, the most intense experience of my life.

“I can’t hold back any longer,” Colt growls. It’s then he pulls out of me, and before I can react, I am showered with a rain of hot, white wetness that explodes from his manhood.

I cry out as the I am covered by his release, from my stomach to my breasts, all the way up to my neck and chin. Colt groans and tosses his head back like a beast. When he brings his eyes back down to bear on me, I see a look behind his eyes that I haven’t seen before. It’s as though he and I have known each other for quite some time now, and it goes straight through my chest to my heart.

And as much as it warms me and leaves me wanting more, it does something else too—it hurts.


“Yes, angel?” He smiles, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. “What is it?”

“I can’t stay here,” I tell him as I begin to tremble again. “I can’t live with you.”



As I expected,Colt looks back at me with pain in his eyes. He also looks confused, like I’ve just lost my mind.

“Tilly,” he says, his voice low. “We just—”

“I know, Colt. And that’s exactly why I have to go.” I sit up, still covered in his release, and swing my legs off the bed. “I’m starting to…to have feelings for you, Colt. And I don’t think that’s a good thing to do for a guy like you.”

“A guy likeme?”

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt. “You know…a guy who deals with so many…girls on a daily basis.”

Colt quickly takes a deep breath, exhales, and sits back on his heels. He looks at me and smiles.

“Feelings,” he repeats. “Yes, I know what you mean, Tilly. I guess you could say the same thing is happening for me.”

Part of me is hesitant. He could easily just be saying this in response to what I just said, but there’s a real honesty about him that makes me want to believe him. It’s not just honesty, either—it’s vulnerability that I don’t see him showing to anybody else.

“R-really?” But I’m still hesitant. All the warning signs are there with this man. I can’t just open myself up to him…although I’ve been doing a pretty good job doing that already.

Colt smiles and stands, giving me a view of his Adonis-like body.

“Come on, I’ll show you.”

He comes over to me, takes me by the hand, lifts me from the bed, and takes me into the bathroom. The next thing I know, we’re in the shower together, and he’s sponging me down with some kind of wonderful-smelling bodywash.

Then I’m getting dressed and following him out to the car. Those bright blue eyes gaze over at me from the driver’s seat, and something like an aftershock of what hit me in the bedroom runs through me.

This man is a wonder, and I can’t help but be slightly terrified of where these emotions inside me might take me if I allow them to run rampant unchecked.

How many women throw themselves at him on a daily basis? Even a man with the strongest will would have a hard time resisting that level of temptation, and I wouldn’t blame him.

I’m lost in thought for the duration of the drive to wherever it is he’s taking me, so I’m not even sure how long it’s been when I realize we’re pulling into an old, rundown trailer park. I can’t even read the sign, but I feel immediately uneasy.

“Don’t worry, angel,” Colt says, placing a hand on my knee. “This is where I grew up. Nobody here will hurt you.”

I look over at Colt for some kind of sign, but he’s looking straight ahead as he drives, threading a mysterious route through the unmarked streets. The occasional person gazes out at us from the stoop of their trailer or from a chair in their front lawn, but the place is pretty quiet, which somehow makes it more eerie and unsettling.

Eventually, we take a turn and come to a plot of land with a trailer that looks like it was burnt to the ground a long, long time ago. Only ashes remain.