“Who’s this Jeff guy?” asked Lord.

“Her boss.”

“So, it wasn’t the Skull Nation?”

“I guess not.” He’d involved his prez and looked like a lying asshole for nothing. He should have waited until he’d talked to Callie.

Lord clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll meet you out front when you’re done.”

Once they were alone together, she squeezed his hand tighter.

“Brick, what are you doing getting involved with a guy like that? He’s a biker. He’s dangerous.”

He chewed on his bottom lip, caught in the middle of a shitty situation of his own creation.

“I’m dangerous.”

She shook her head. “You’re not. I’m the one who got caught up in some bad business. Did Sean Rigby threaten you?”

“Baby, Sean Rigby is a small player, what we call a bottom feeder. You don’t need to worry about him anymore.”

She slid her hand away, gripping the edge of her blanket. “He said something about you. It’s not true, though. I know it’s not true.”

“It’s true. I’m the VP of the Straight to Hell MC.”

Callie froze, then began breathing heavily, struggling to breathe. Her fucking monitors started beeping, and the doctors pushed their way in.

“Ms. Johnson, you have to breathe deeply.”

Brick was ushered out of the room by a couple of nurses. He stood with his back to the wall until they’d stabilized her, then he quietly reapproached her bed.


Her eyes were still closed when she spoke. “Was anything real? Was it all lies? Help me to understand this, Brick, because I sure don’t.”

“I did everything right, or so I thought. I’d do anything for you, Callie, but I can’t change who I am. I knew once you found out about my sins, you’d walk the other way. I tried hard not to trip up, but the truth was bound to catch up with me.”

“You assumed I’d walk. Maybe you should have been open with me. I’m not perfect, Brick. But I don’t know what to believe now.”

“Everything between us was real. The conversations, my feelings, all of it.”

“Except who you are and where you come from. I just need time to think.” She rolled away from him, effectively cutting him off.

Brick backed off, feeling completely at a loss. Would he be able to fix this? Would things ever be the same between them?

He met Lord back in the lobby, ready to face the music.


With her discharge papers in hand, she headed to the accounting department to make some sort of arrangements for her bill. Why couldn’t Jeff offer health insurance?

She handed her papers to the clerk when it was her turn. They pulled up her information on the screen then handed her back the paperwork. “You’re free to go. Hope you feel better.”

“Will I just get a bill in the mail?”

The clerk frowned. “You’re all paid in full.”

Callie shook her head. “Sorry, I’m confused.”