His mind was fractured, thinking of a future with Callie while wondering what the Skull Nation was up to this time. If they didn’t have some semblance of peace, she wouldn’t be safe. He also had to open up to her if he wanted to keep her, and that wasn’t an easy task. Brick had big plans for Callie. She wasn’t a whore he planned to dump once he had his fill. She was the real deal, and he planned to make her his old lady one day. First, he wanted to get that girl registered in college, make her dreams come true. She deserved it all, including a man better than him—only he wasn’t optional.

All the men but two were present. As they all filed into Lord’s office, Brick was on his cell phone, calling in Tank and Whisky. He couldn’t help that his mind went right to the gutter. They weren’t at the club, so what the fuck were they up to? Whisky had only been living at the clubhouse for about a year, so Brick still wasn’t sure of his loyalties even though he’d been patched in years ago. He’d been living up north, watching over some of their other properties. Tank, well, that would be a stab to the heart if that motherfucker betrayed the Straight to Hell MC. That bastard had saved their asses too many times to count.

“Cell phones on the desk,” Lord said. He didn’t leave it open to discussion. His tone was eerily calm.

Copper stepped forward with whatever contraption he’d put together and scanned their phones. Brick held his breath, hoping this was an easy fix.

“All clear,” Copper said.

“Where are the other two?” Lord asked.

“On their way home, boss.” Brick tucked his phone into his pocket.

“You know why you’re in here?”

Most of the men shook their heads.

“A rat.”

An invisible chill passed through the room—even Brick felt it. They’d all witnessed Lord torture and kill his own men if they were unfaithful. News of a rat in the mix was no joke.

Tarmac put up both hands at the elbow. “I swear to God, Lord—”

“Don’t,” Lord interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it. Until I find out who it is, this club isn’t secure.”

“Get out,” said Brick.

Once they were alone again, he began to pace.

“You think it’s Whisky, don’t you?” Lord asked.

He shrugged. “No. Yes. I don’t fucking know.”

“I’m not going to crucify a man based on a hunch.”

Brick glared at Lord. “I’m an animal now? I just trust Tank over Whisky.”

“Don’t trust anyone.”

“When they get home, I’ll have them sent in here immediately. No time to hide their shit. I’ll get Copper to scan them straight away before they know what’s up.”

“You called them home. If one of them’s guilty, they’re already suspicious,” Lord said.

“Whatever. This ends today. We have enough on our plates without having to deal with this bullshit.”

Lord opened a drawer and pulled up a 9mm. He checked the clip. “If Tank’s the one, you going to put a bullet in his head?”

They held eye contact. “I’ll do what I have to do.”

Did Lord think he’d gone soft because he loved Callie? Did love equal weakness in Lord’s eyes? He wouldn’t think twice about doing his job as VP.

“Ally’s pregnant.”


They had a new baby and they were already having another.

Lord chuckled. “I like her pregnant. And I like being a father even more.”

The room got too damn quiet—until Copper spoke up. “Lord.”

The prez looked up.

“The sensor went off a few minutes ago. The guy you want recently rode in.”

Brick and Lord made eye contact.

“The phones are clean. Check their bodies,” Lord said.