“It is, but I don’t like it.”

“Do you not like it because I thought of it or because you’re worried about me?”

He grabbed her hip and tugged her beneath him. “The second one, babe. You know what you mean to me.” His lips played across her neck, and she gasped as he sucked on the point at her neck that sent waves of pleasure rushing through her entire body. “I swore to love and protect you.”

“You will.”

“You don’t have to do anything for the club.”

“I’m doing it for you,” she said. “All for you.”

He slammed his lips down on hers. Brick devoured her. “I love you so fucking much.”

“Do we have a deal?” she asked.

“I still have to run it by Lord, but otherwise, we have a deal. I’m going to be staying close, and that fucker will be six feet under if he ever puts his hands on you, do you understand me?”

She cupped his face, kissing him passionately. “I understand. Now, are you going to fuck me and put your baby inside me?”

His eyes flashed fire, and it sent an answering heat through her body. Brick had gotten under her skin since the moment she met him. All she had ever wanted was him, and she knew deep down that was never going to change. It was why she was willing to go find the information they needed.

Her grandma had once said there was going to be someone who she would do anything for, walk through fire or on broken glass for. Callie hadn’t believed her. The only men she’d known were the ones she despised and treated her like nothing.

Brick was different.

He treated her like his queen.

She loved him with her whole heart and knew there was nothing that would come between them.

He was her man, just as she was his woman.

They were no longer each other’s secret, but now very much out in the open, and in love. The future had always been daunting to her, but no longer. With Brick by her side, and the club at her back, she knew she could do anything.

The End

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