Reid and Colt jumped out and made their way toward us.

I blinked. “Max…”

“Take off the damn boot already!” He gave me a little shove. “I want to see what we’re working with.”

“We’re working with nothing. You aren’t a doctor.”

“No, but he played one at drama camp one time,” Reid felt the need to say.

I sent him a seething look that did nothing to force him to back down; if anything, it was as if my anger encouraged Emorys, no matter which one.

“What’s wrong with his foot?” said Reid.

“Why even ask? It’s Jason we’re talking about here. He gets injured by breathing.” Colt chuckled.

I grit my teeth. “That was one time, and the doctor said it could happen to anyone!”

“I Googled it,” Max said helpfully. “It happens to llamas and those dodo birds, the really stupid ones.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed for patience.

“You get shot?” Reid asked.

I shoved Max away and started limping toward the door. “You guys can stay with Colt. Consider this house closed to visitors.”

“Actually…” Colt cleared his throat. “—my parents said no.”

I hung my head. “What are you? Twelve? You asked your parents?”

“They said last time Max—”

“Hey! Your mom enjoyed that massage immensely!”

“Enough!” I yelled. “Just ENOUGH!” I spread my arms wide and turned just in time. “My damn foot feels like it’s going to fall off, my truck is missing a freaking door, and I just want to lie down in silence for a few minutes! I don’t care where you guys go, or what you do, just leave me the hell alone!” The moment I said it, I knew something bad was going to happen.

I didn’t, however, think it would be as severe as it was.

A crackle of lightning lit up the sky.

And then, another lit up my body.

The last thing I remembered was severe pain in my right arm, and a wave pulsing through me, before I fell to the ground and looked up at my friends’ shocked expressions then closed my eyes.