“I’m not currently seeing anyone,” I said in a flat voice. “So, no worries. I won’t be bouncing on a mattress anytime soon.” The thought was so depressing I wanted to bang my head against a wall.

“Bouncing?” Reid frowned. “Who the hell bounces during sex? Are you doing the bouncing, or is she? Because, I gotta tell you, man, if you’re bouncing, you’ve been doing it wrong.”

“Thanks,” I said through clenched teeth. “And I was being sarcastic.”

“Sure you were.” Max patted my good leg.

I swore my entire body was ready to just launch itself at him and strike wherever I could.

The nurse excused herself while I closed my eyes and leaned back against the pillows, dreaming of lips that touched mine, dreaming of making out with my high school girlfriend in the space between our houses. We’d always joked that it was our state line. And every time the chalk line between the pavement of our driveways faded, one of us would take it upon ourselves to draw it up again, step over, and ask for a kiss.


So stupid.

The minute she walked away, I’d grabbed a hose and sprayed away the chalk as the sting of tears burned my eyes.

We were supposed to be forever.

And then she’d turned her back on me.

I groaned. Why was I thinking of her now? She’d probably seen me get hit by lightning. No woman in her right mind would attach herself to me in my current state of chaos.

“So,” Max said interrupting my thoughts, “how was that CPR?”

I felt my body weaken. “Shit, if any part of your mouth touched mine, I’m getting plastic surgery to replace my skin.”

“A bit dramatic,” he laughed. “And no, that was all your ex-girlfriend, the one who broke your heart—”

“I remember. Thanks,” I hissed.

“The kiss?”

“The broken heart,” I corrected, looking away.

“You should bring her flowers, tell her thank you for saving your pathetic life. Maybe draw her a bubble bath—”

“Don’t listen to Max,” Reid piped up. “Women love big gestures, you know? Write her a poem or—”

Colt burst out laughing. “Both of you shut the hell up. He needs to do something that reminds her of how good they were.”

“Stop!” I raised my voice, head pounding. “I’m not thanking her, and I’m sure as hell not touching the one woman who’s still capable of making me regret every decision I ever made in high school, all right? Just drop it!”

A knock sounded on the door.

And then she appeared through it, hands shaking as she held out flowers and a teddy bear.


I felt so damn numb when her eyes met mine.

And when she glared, I was ashamed to admit my dick twitched as if it was ready to get on board with whatever sort of punishment she had, if I could only get close to that creamy skin.

“Good to know.” She nodded her head. “Guess I’ll just leave you alone.” She deposited the flowers and teddy into Reid’s hands and ran out.


Max started slow-clapping loud enough to make me want to cut off his hands.