“Yeah, um…” she shook her head as if she was in a fog, “…sorry?”

I smiled. “Yeah, me too. Really sorry…”

Her lips twitched. “Oh yeah? What are you sorry for?”

“Stopping,” I admitted truthfully. “You?”

“Almost copping a feel.”

Not what I’d expected. I hadn’t imagined it possible to get more aroused, and then she’d gone and talked about touching me. My length pressed against my zipper as she stared me down. “I’m disappointed you didn’t act on it.”

“Me too.” She shrugged. “Then again, that would be cheating.”

Cheat, cheat, please cheat!“Yeah.” Damn it! “You’re right.”

“So…” she clasped her hands in front of her and rocked on her heels, “…what was after the first kiss?”

“As if you don’t remember.” I laughed. “Little liar.”

She got so red she looked sixteen again. “We don’t have to do that part…”

Hell yeah, we do. Best idea Max ever had.Not that I wasn’t still pissed, but if it meant what was next, then yeah, I was all in. “My house or yours?”

“Yours,” she said quickly. “Plus, if we’re staying with the original day…”


I grabbed her hand without realizing what I was doing. She squeezed back as we walked to the police cruiser. I helped her in, shut the door, and saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

Max was slapping Colt on the back, while Colt coughed and Reid threw popcorn in their general direction.

“Seriously?” I crossed my arms. “How long have you guys been here?”

Max frowned. “Jason? Is that you? The sun’s in my eyes. Are you here for the annual movie night on the lawn too?”

I sighed. “Nice try. That’s next week.”

“Damn it,” he grumbled, then opened his mouth as if he was actually going to try again.

I shook my head; he closed his mouth.

“No more free shows.” I pointed at him and then stared at my other friends. “You guys actually followed Max for once?”

“I drove,” Colt admitted.

“But only because Max doesn’t have a license anymore.”

I rolled my eyes. “Do I want to know why?”

Max shoved his mouth full of popcorn and shrugged, while Reid answered for him. “It involved a nun, a bicycle, and the goat. Trust me, it’s too graphic for small ears.” He pointed to Colt, while I busted up laughing.

“Son of a bitch! For the last time, I do not have small ears!” Colt yelled, voice raspy as if he’d just choked on a popcorn kernel.

Well, at least that explains Max hitting him.

“Sure you don’t,” I said soothingly, while Colt gave me the finger. “All right, I’m just going to leave you to your own devices. Try not to end up in prison at the end of the night.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Max said, mouth full.