“Potential homelessness would concern any decent human being,” I fired back.

He choked out a laugh. “I just got another promotion. I was thinking of buying my own place, maybe getting a cat…”

My eyes narrowed into tiny slits. What game is he playing here? “You hate cats.”

He stared me down so hard — the way only Jason Caro could — that even my skin felt aware of his eyes as it erupted in goose bumps. “People change.”

The air was thick with tension. I tried to breathe, but it was suddenly difficult.

“Honey, I’m home!” Max’s voice echoed down the hallway as he appeared in the kitchen with Colt and the ridiculously handsome stranger.

“Hi.” The stranger held out his hand; his voice was smooth and held a hint of arrogance that made me question his intentions, and then I saw the wedding ring, and then realization dawned. “I’m Reid—”

“The Phantom!” I hadn’t meant to yell it.

He’d played The Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera before it left Broadway and would be starring in the newest rom-com releasing this month!

“Careful, your high school’s showing,” Max whispered out of the side of his mouth, earning a glare from Jason.

“Weren’t you just on the cover of Entertainment Weekly?” I ignored them and bounced up on my feet.

“Aw, you saw it?” He turned his movie-star grin toward me.

Max moved between us and shoved Reid. “Keep talking, and his ego won’t fit next to mine, and that just puts me in a bad mood.”

Jason groaned behind me. I turned and was surprised as his hand shot out and pulled me to his side, as if I belonged there.

I tried to tamp down the butterflies.

Just like I tried not to overanalyze what it meant.

I failed on all accounts and almost turned in his arms and asked him if that meant I could sleep over like old times.

Stupid kiss was really hurting my self-control.

Stupid memories of everything surrounding us, reminding me of what we’d had, what I’d left behind. And the more I thought about it — really thought about it — the more I questioned my decision. Had I based it off fear alone?

“Stop using the eyes on her!” Jason barked, making me jump. “Plus, you’re married!”

“He can’t help it,” Max answered for Reid. “When you’re an Emory, it just… happens.”

Jason punched Max in the arm and grinned. “Sorry, when you’re a Caro, it just happens.”

“That shit hurt!” Max rubbed the spot and then turned his handsome smile back to me. “So, are we doing this or what?”

Colt made a strangled noise as Jason’s grip on my body tightened. “You aren’t joining us.”

“But it was a pool party,” Max pointed out, “and we need to re-create the actual event so you can move on and marry other people, right? Isn’t that what you want, Jason? To move on with your life?”

Jason’s grip loosened its hold.

Tears burned my eyes.

Why am I putting myself through hell?

Oh, right. To gain his forgiveness and then what? Continue pining for him while he marries another woman? Why not just step on a rusty nail?

“Besides, we all know the real reason you couldn’t marry Jane.”