“Stop!” Max grabbed one of the thrown pieces of licorice and shoved it in his mouth. “Well, that went worse than I thought it would, but he needs to get the hell over it. He’s a grown-ass man. So, man up!”

“It’s not that easy,” I admitted.

“Love never is,” Max fired back. “You think it was easy trying to land someone like this?” He pointed to Becca, and she beamed. “You think it’s easy when I doubt myself every day why she hangs around my brand of crazy? And I mean, most days, the only reasons I have are my bank account, perfect body, face, and giant—”

“What Max is saying,” Becca interrupted smoothly, “is that love tests us all. You have to decide what you want. Do you want closure? Do you want his forgiveness? Or do you want him back?”

“Option C” Max mouthed.

I smiled down at my hands. “I want him back.”

They erupted into cheers.

Milo stared me down. “Hurt him again, and I’m telling your parents about the night you snuck out and had sex in the tree house.”

I gasped.

Max nodded with a wink. “Get it, girl.”

“Do it,” I leaned back, “and I’ll just tell Colt about the time you saw him naked in the locker room and took a picture.”

“Nice.” Max held up his hand for a high-five.

Colt batted his hand away. “You had a naked picture of me?”

“It was for Human Anatomy class!” Milo said with red cheeks then narrowed her eyes at me. “Senior year, homecoming, when you and Jason snuck into the faculty room, and then the principal’s office, stripped in front of his desk and—”

“Candy anyone?” I held out a bowl of M&Ms and nodded to her. “You have my word.”

She grinned and dusted off her hands while Colt pulled her in for a kiss. “You’re evil.”

“I know.” Milo sighed happily.