
“I’d like to think the universe stops working against us when we start working with it; when we listen to those tiny little hints that maybe our shit stinks a hell of a lot more than we’d originally thought. Spoiler alert — It’s not always roses, but it can be if you get your head out of your ass long enough to see the sunshine. Amen.”

~From Max Emory’s Guide to Dating and Other Important Life Lessons, now a #1 New York Times Bestseller!


“CHAMPAGNE!” Max shouted, slicing off the top of the bottle, his one and only party trick, and shooting it around the yard like it was New Year’s instead of our wedding day.

Mine and Jason’s. I still couldn’t believe it was real. Surrounded by family and friends, I inhaled deeply as my sister winked at me across the pool while she helped Annabelle dangle her feet in.

Sara still struggled. Who wouldn’t? But things were slowly getting better, especially after she had gotten a job at one of the local coffee shops. She had more of a purpose and had gained some weight back. More importantly, she had Annabelle.

“You all right?” Jason wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I grabbed his biceps and sighed. “Yeah.”

“Party like it’s 1999!” Max shouted again, amidst Frank Sinatra music.

“I drugged his coffee,” Jason whispered in my ear, causing goose bumps. “He should tucker out in the next hour.”

I scoffed, “Wow, Mr. Police Officer, breaking laws left and right?”

“Please, I hire out my crimes.” He nodded to Reid who gave him a salute and clinked his bottle with Colt’s.

I laughed. “Ah, so they go to jail, and you stay clean. Smart.”

“I thought so.”

I pulled his arms away and turned so we were chest to chest. “Thank you.”

“For?” His eyes narrowed, his smile staying.

I loved his smile so much. I never wanted to be the cause for it to go away — never again. Rationally, I knew we’d have fights; I knew we’d have things to overcome. I just loved the way it made me feel when he smiled, and especially when that smile was because of us.

“For being you,” I teased, just as Max walked over.

Reid, Colt, and the wives followed, a look of trepidation on their faces as if Max was about to face-plant on the knife he was swinging with his hand.

“Jason…” Max held out the knife and a new bottle of champagne, “…will you do the honors?”

Reid paled.

Colt and Milo took a step back as Jason took the knife.

“Should he have sharp objects?” Reid asked, voice weak.

“Do it now,” Max encouraged. “Do. It.”

Jason rolled his eyes and sliced down the bottle. The top popped off and went flying through the air right into a kid’s cheek, literally, right before he was about to kiss some girl behind the tree.

“My face! My face!” he yelled, holding a hand to his cheek.

“I knew it,” Max whispered then slapped Jason on the back. “The universe approves of this union, and you’re no longer cursed.” He wiped a fake tear. “My work here is done.” He pounded his chest as he got choked up. “It’s done.” He lifted his arms and did a slow circle.

The wind picked up.

Jason pulled me closer.