“I won’t let them take you away from me. Touch yourself, Scarlett. Let me see and feel you come apart.”

She wanted to deny him, to argue and tell him no, but instead, she reached down and stroked her clit as he continued to pound inside her. She was supposed to be in charge, but against his strength and the pleasure, she couldn’t fight it.

Just a few strokes to her clit, and she came apart, yelling his name and whimpering as he slammed up inside her. There was no way she was going to be without bruises as he held her so tight. It was almost as if he was afraid of letting her go.

Within seconds, Bain joined her, flooding her with his cum as his cock pulsed within her. She collapsed on his chest, refusing to move. She didn’t care if they made his exercise equipment dirty. She wasn’t moving, not an inch.

“I was an idiot. I hurt Boss, and now, because of my mistake, he’s coming after you. I’m training to make sure that I can protect you. That’s why I won’t sleep in, and why I’ve got weapons around the house. I’m preparing for him. He’ll strike when I least expect it. I can’t let anything happen to you. I won’t.”

Wow, she didn’t expect that. Her days were possibly numbered, and as she looked at Bain she saw fear in his eyes, which was so strange coming from him.


Killian’s warning had to be taken seriously. Boss wasn’t a man to do things half-assed, and Bain knew without a doubt that he would strike out and hurt him. The only way to hurt him was to do it with Scarlett. He shouldn’t have shot him, and he regretted that, now more than ever.

Scarlett hadn’t said anything to him since he had told her the truth. She stood in his kitchen, dressed in one of the many dresses he’d bought her, the fabric molding to every single curve and turning him on as she silently cooked them dinner.

After their lovemaking in the morning, she had climbed off and showered. Then he’d followed her around the house as she cleaned everything.

Was she quieter than usual?

Crap, he couldn’t stand this, not knowing her thoughts or what to do.

“Talk to me, Scarlett.”

She glanced over at him. “What would you like me to say?” she asked. “Everything seems kind of lame and silly.” She chuckled. “I’m just doing dinner.” She tilted her head to the side, staring down into the pot.

“Just talk to me. You can say anything, but don’t give me this silence any longer. I can’t stand it.”

Once again her gaze was on him. “I’m trying to figure things out. This guy, he’s going to hurt me because you shot him? Why didn’t he shoot you back?”

“I don’t know. Boss doesn’t react. He never has. He gets even.”

She poured two cans of tomato sauce into the pan and stepped away. With her hand on her hip, she leaned on the counter, staring at him. “What do you want me to do, Bain? You’re scared of Boss?”

“No! I’m not afraid of him.”

“Then what are you afraid of?”

He stared at her. “You really don’t know?”

“Know what?”

“Boss has never frightened me because I’ve never had anything to lose, don’t you get that? He’s … he’s the owner of Killer of Kings.”

“And that makes him worse than any of you?” she asked.

“He’s got a body count that no one can even begin to imagine. Killing is an art form to him, Scarlett. Lisa was just a number to him. He has to get the job done no matter what.”

Tears filled her eyes, and he hated that he had brought up her friend.

“I’ve never had anything to lose, and I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you, baby. I can’t.”

“You can’t live like this, Bain. You’re going to kill yourself. You have to rest.”

He shook his head. “No. The moment I stop being on my guard, he’ll come for you, and I told you, I can’t have you leaving my side. I won’t … it’s not happening.”

She turned back to the stove, and he watched as she stirred some seasoning into the pan. “I never for a second thought I could be this happy,” she said.