“I’m a big girl,” Katie said.

“I know.” Her brother flashed the smile that roped women in. “But I’m bigger.”

“I promise to call if I need you,” she said, feeling a tinge of guilt at using her brother’s protective instincts to kill their deal. But their family had worked too hard for too long to settle.

Chad pushed to his feet and headed for the door. “I’m going into town tonight. You?”

“Not sure yet.” It all depended on Liam.

He nodded. “All right. Don’t work too late, sis.”

She waited until he closed the door. Once the sound of his boots on the hardwood floors faded, she pulled out her cell and dialed. “Liam? It’s Katie.”

“Hi,” he said, and she heard the roar of machinery in the background. “Give me a second to move someplace quiet.”

She waited, listening as the sounds of the work site faded.

“Katie,” he said. “What can I do for you?”

“I’d like to accept your invitation to dinner,” she said, hoping she wasn’t making a huge mistake. “To talk business.”

“That’s . . . wow, that’s great. How’s tonight?” he asked. In the background, she could hear someone calling his name. “Six o’clock?”

“Fine,” she said. “I’ll meet you at your place.”

He hesitated. “Your brothers don’t know?”

“No,” she said. “And we’re not telling them.”

“Works for me, honey.”

I’m not your “honey.” She bit back the words, quickly ending the call. It was time for Liam to realize he wasn’t the only one who could call the shots.

Chapter 5

LIAM LEANED AGAINST his bike trying not to feel like a freaking teenage girl waiting for a prom date. But he couldn’t stop staring at the road, waiting for a sign of Katie’s wagon. He glanced at his watch. Two minutes past. Had she changed her mind?

Shaking his head, he turned back to the house. He felt like a fool, freshly showered and shaved, wearing his only pair of jeans that weren’t shredded down at the bottom from catching on trees. He’d even thought about stopping by Eric’s place and borrowing one of his friend’s fancy button-down shirts.

But this was just a business dinner at the Ale House by the lake. If she ever showed.

Maybe this was Katie’s idea of payback. Hell, he couldn’t blame her. Looking back, he knew he deserved to be stood up, and a helluva lot more.

Katie’s beat-up wagon rounded the bend and turned into his driveway, pulling up alongside his motorcycle. She climbed out and walked around the car.

“Sorry I’m late. One of the goats got his head stuck in the fence,” she said.

“No problem. I’m glad you’re here. Hell, I was surprised you said yes in the first place.”

“Well, I was downright shocked by your offer.”

Liam chuckled. “So that’s what this is about. That number was just a place to start the conversation, and I think you know it.”

“You’ll have our response in the morning,” she shot back.

“Fair enough.” He cocked his head. “Still joining me for dinner?”

“I am.” She slipped her hands into the front pockets of her jeans. On her feet, she wore black cowboy boots, and on top, a fitted tank that hugged her curves—or what he could see of them beneath her jean jacket. He was dying to slip his hands under there and explore.